There was probably a time in life when most green foods—Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and spinach, to name a few—repulsed you. You definitely weren't alone. Many children are hesitant to pile green vegetables onto their plates. One possible explanation could be that green foods, such as Brussels sprouts, tend to be bitter, a sensation that your survival instinct tells you to avoid. Plus, children have a lot of sensitive taste buds. But as you grew up, you held on to fewer taste buds, slightly dulling the sense. Another possibility: You knew that naturally green foods (not to be confused with green Kool-Aid) were associated with the aim of eating healthier, and research suggests that children may be less likely to enjoy foods linked with goals.
With the limitations of fashion trends and small purse sizes, it's not always practical for women to carry a multi-tool pocketknife. But what if there was one easy-to-wear accessory that could help women open a beer bottle, file a broken nail or take a quick measurement?
It was this question that led designer Yaacov Goldberg to create the Clippa — a functional hair clip designed to be an on-the-go toolbox for busy women.
BirthFIT is my business, my practice, and my lifelong passion. As I mentioned in a previous article on Breaking Muscle, chiropractic, nutrition, and fitness are the foundational pillars of BirthFIT. Being physically fit to take on birth is part of the responsibility every woman should acknowledge and accept when pregnant. On top of being well conditioned and strong enough to lift objects in your daily life, I want BirthFIT women to be comfortable and familiar with movement.
So you’ve decided you exercise better at night. (Or in the morning--who are we to judge?) But sweating with a group of total strangers? Or forcing yourself to dole out your own motivation? Before you pick, weigh the pros and cons.
First things first. Pick a hand—but not just any hand. For insight into your work life and how you present yourself to the world, focus on your dominant hand. To examine personal relationships, dreams, and emotional struggles, look at the other hand. Having trouble making out the lines? Cup your hand slightly under a bright lamp. Keep in mind: According to hand analysts, a less prominent line reflects an area of life that may need work, while a deeper one signals that the characteristic related to that line is strong and fully developed.
Vacation period is officially over and it’s time to get back to our daily routines, but there’s no reason to let your skin lose that glowing, refreshed and rested shine! Dark and Lovely Crème 6 Oils is championing the drive to get back the skin you were born with, showing Ghanaians how just a little extra TLC for yourself as part of your daily routine can leave your skin looking and feeling good as new.
Growing up in the early 1960s, now celebrated television (TV) icon and stand-up comedian, Kwaku Sintim Missa, better known as KSM, detected a natural flair for acting, the type that was enjoyed in theatres across the country in those days.
Unconscious of what he was doing, little Kwaku put those talents into display by intermittently turning raw Ghanaian folklore, collectively called 'Ananse Stories,' into drama plots while playing with his colleagues in the village.
The Apostle Paul gives Timothy the sacred charge to safeguard the gospel; to guard “the authentic Christian faith and practice”. But what pattern of pastoral ministry will fulfill that task? Paul’s instruction to Timothy on this matter is to carry out intentional “Disciple-making ministry”:
“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others”. (2 Tim 2:2 NLT)
Someone whispered to me last time, “I want to meet someone someday who will make me happy.” Really? Like seriously? Sad to say but… if you can’t make yourself happy, obviously no one else can; not even God.
Your happiness is your choice. If you don’t choose to live it, you definitely would live your life under the delusion that someone out there holds the magic to it. No one does. Get it!
Worship has been defined diversely by muslim theologians relying on its linguistic connotations of submission, obedience,love and humility. Some of the definitions have limitations because they smack of narrow mindedness where it is restricted to the religious ritual practices of prayer, fasting, zakat and performance of pilgrimage (Hajj).
The most salient, potent and comprehensive of all the definitions given "worship in Islam" is the submission of Ibn Taymiyya on the subject. He opined that "worship" should carry the original connotations of submission and obedience and adds that "worship" of the Creator can never be attained without the element of "love".
One Quora user says people who are nice to animals are naturally friendly and open.
In July, we published a list of seemingly trivial behaviors that people use to make judgments about your personality.
The list got a fair amount of traction, so we decided to research even more ways people draw inferences about your personality.
The following eight items are drawn from the original Quora thread, "What are the really small things that tell a lot about a person's psychology and personality?," as well as other research.
A renowned counsellor and educator, Opanin Kwadwo Kyere, has advised the youth to endeavour to acquire professional and vocational skills that will provide them with better sources of employment.
He said rather than staying at home looking for non-existent employment in the public sector, the youth need to re-orientate their minds, acquire skills that would help them set up vibrant businesses and establish themselves in the private sector.
How often have you been living life, happy and content, and then suddenly life slaps you in the face with something unexpected? We all have problems, and the truth of the matter is that problems will never go away. They will just change form.
One time you may be struggling with health, the next with money and still the next with relationships. That is both the curse and blessing of life.
International bodies that drive globalisation are concerned with the pursuit of huge projects relying heavily on science and technology.
The pursuit of huge projects based on science and technology means that those who do not have access to the required technical skills cannot be part of those huge projects. The question then is, what does the state do to them?
It is my conviction that the state can help such people by promoting the pursuit of small acts and projects that can be easily performed by such people.
For example, the state can provide land for those who can go into agriculture and provide interest-free loans for those who would like to go directly into some small-scale business ventures.
The Apostles in the Early Church were concerned about the gospel, the true Christian faith, being proclaimed, lived out faithfully and preserved to be passed on from generation to generation.
The Apostle Paul declares that “the gospel is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes- Jews first and also non Jews.
This good news tells us how God makes us right in His sight.” (Romans 1:16-17 NLT). He wrote to the churches he had planted on his missionary journeys to warn them about false teaching and corrupt presentation of the gospel that had crept into the churches.
It is kind of funny to keep watching people who want things to come easy to them in life.
Many other people know of this tendency among human beings, so they keep selling them diet pills that let them eat whatever they want, job information that will make them rich with no effort, college "degrees" that require no study at all, and many other "easy" fixes to their problems.
If this is your body shape, it simply means you are bigger at the top and smaller in your lower body. That is why it’s referred to as an up-side down triangle.
Weight loss is a desire of many people. Others also see their increasing weight as a sign of good living, while others see being overweight and obese (fat) as a culturally acceptable norm that is indicates that one or the entire family is wealthy.
Management of this condition focuses on
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a libido-enhancing drug for women that has been dubbed "female Viagra".
What do you get when you cross Ghanaian cooking with a New York State of mind? While I cannot say this is a question our ancestors pondered, it was certainly on my mind as I rode the subway and trudged through banks of hard white snow to get to the Harlem hideaway and private kitchen of Ghanaian film producer, food entrepreneur, and founder of the catering and cooking education company Tropical Ghana, Charles Cann.
Fit, bald and dressed in black, Cann looks like he should be a theatre actor a bit further south on Broadway rather than a bubbly and conversational chef. He is a man of many jokes, but with a very serious agenda to spread a love of food, cooking and its transformative power.