Happiness not for sale
Someone whispered to me last time, “I want to meet someone someday who will make me happy.” Really? Like seriously? Sad to say but… if you can’t make yourself happy, obviously no one else can; not even God.
Your happiness is your choice. If you don’t choose to live it, you definitely would live your life under the delusion that someone out there holds the magic to it. No one does. Get it!
Find happiness in what you do and especially what you eat. Knowing yourself comes with responsibilities; what to eat and what not to eat. You remember the adage “junk in, junk out”? If you keep on eating just anything you find in the stores or on the market, you will end up being a piece of junk walking around.
Check your weight. Check your blood pressure. Regular check-ups are as important as anything you can imagine. A healthy mind dwells in a happy body.
Staying unhealthy is a choice. Looking healthy is a choice. Many a time, we leave our health and happiness in the hands of others. If you are healthy, you obviously would be happy and if you’re happy, everyone would know you are healthy.
Take your health seriously but don’t take life ‘too’ seriously. Have fun. You only pass through this world once so enjoy today as if there’s no tomorrow. Love back those who love you.
For those who hate you, wish them well. If they still are too hate-filled to accept your well wishes… well… they can go hug a wet transformer. Haha.
Once in a while pamper yourself. Give yourself a treat. Buy yourself a gift. Shower praises on yourself. Make fun of yourself. Tease yourself… literally! Be your own best friend. Live like a king in your own small way. Go to your favourite eatery and spend on yourself. Love yourself. Give love.
Our mind works like a magnet. It attracts what it thinks about. Think positively. Think positivity. You can’t be any positive if you think negatively at all times. Attract a healthy mind by your healthy thoughts. Your thoughts are your property. Possess them!
Be optimistic. Suicide should never be an option. No matter how bad our situation is, someone else’s somewhere is worse! You’re complaining of blackout (dumsor), someone somewhere can’t even see let alone complain. You cry because you have no shoes.
A friend of mine has no legs! So… why do you stress yourself to worry if your supposed hell of a situation is someone’s heaven of a blessing? Give thanks, my dear.
Worrying about your situation is like sitting in a rocking chair. It seems as though you are making progress, only for you to know after a long while that you are still at the same place. Nothing changes.
Think about the things you have and the best you can make of them. You can’t have everything in life. You can’t be perfect. Are you God!?
You have life. You have hope. That’s all you need. Don’t worry. Be happy. Cheer up. Your health is your wealth. Your wealth is your happiness. Choose to be happy. Choose to be wealthy. Choose to be healthy!
Happiness is not for sale. It is created on purpose; intentionally. It is a decision. My name is Kobina Ansah and… I am happy for what I have and what I don’t have. Great weekend.