Artistes run to God!
THE rate at which celebrities have died in the country this year has been quite alarming, leaving many wondering what has gone wrong.
From the beginning of the year till date, we have lost 12 celebrities in the persons of Isaac Yeboah (Amakye Dede’s manager), Solomon Sampah, Nii Odoi Mensah, Nkomode, Bob Okalla and Danny Nettey.
Others are Daasebre Gyamenah, Omanhene Pozo, George Forest, Vybrant Faya, George B. Williams and Katawere who died last Monday.
As a result of these deaths, the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) is organising a prayer session to seek the face of God in the creative industry.
Speaking to Showbiz last Tuesday, Mr Daniel Agyin, Deputy Director for Gospel Music said this has become very necessary because of the many deaths in the entertainment industry this year.
“Since the beginning of the year till now, musicians, actors and others in the creative industry have died and it has become a source of worry to many of us. I personally had a dream that there is trouble in the entertainment industry. It was a revelation to me and I prayed about it but I guess we have to do more, “ he said.
Mr Agyin said he spoke to some musicians about it and while some were for it, others were just not keen but he decided to go ahead with it.
“The prayer session will come off on December 3 at MUSIGA office at 8am and we hope that by 11am we will be done. We will pray to God to ask for guidance and protection after which we will give Him thanks, we will be praying against deaths or any bad thing in the entertainment industry”
According to Mr Agyin, he considered other venues but God directed him to do it at MUSIGA since it the centre of the entertainment industry, “ the Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG) also occupies the same building so I believe it is the right place to have the prayers.”
He concluded by saying, “If we come together to pray, He will listen to us so whether you are an actor, musician, journalist and regardless of your religion, just come over. Everyone is invited, we will also use the opportunity to pray for a peaceful elections.”