5 Considerations for every Ghanaian leader
As we begin a new year, we can focus on the brighter future ahead of us. Our dear nation has shown remarkable resilience during challenging times that started at the beginning of this decade with the COVID-19 pandemic and a once-in-a-generation debt crisis.
These events resulted in significant loss of lives and tremendous economic distress for households and businesses.
Now, halfway through the decade, we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel.
However, political leadership alone cannot reset our country. We need every leader to play an active role.
It is essential to engage in the urgent and difficult work required to lift ourselves out of the tunnel and live under God's light.
Here are five considerations for any leader who wishes to help in resetting our country.
How do you accelerate growth for the greater good of many?
Resolving the challenge of creating a prosperous and thriving community requires that businesses significantly expand their operations to serve the needs of the people.
The state of public finances means governments have limited options for this important work.
Embracing big, bold new ideas for business offers many an opportunity to enjoy a decent life.
Underlying all of this is the courage to confront the constraints in our way believing that constraints are meant to be overcome.
They are not immovable mountains on the path to peace and prosperity for any group of people. Small is beautiful but we need big business boats to lift many people out of poverty.
Enterprise leaders must act boldly to enhance the range and scale of services they offer to communities.
There can be no progress without accelerated growth.
FACT: If Ghana does not achieve an average GDP growth rate above 8% over the next 5 years, it means Ghana will have experienced the worst decade in half a century.
This has serious implications for living conditions and social cohesion.
How do you act humanely in a system with distorted incentives?
Every enterprise must serve the needs of humanity and the community that operates it. We cannot create winners and losers among those who put in effort every day at work or patronise our services, and live in the communities where businesses operate.
This means empathy must be at the core of every business strategy.
Customers can never be short-changed so enterprises can maximise profits.
Leaders must ask how this benefits our colleagues, customers and community whenever decisions are made.
Sustainable growth is possible when communities, customers and colleagues are thriving. Businesses must be centred around the needs of colleagues, customers and the community.
FACT: Ghana Multidimensional Poverty Report published by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) June 2024:
7.3 million Ghanaians, representing 24.3% of the household population, are multidimensionally poor. Of these, 43.8% are experiencing severe poverty.
How can you reduce the stress your team goes through to get the job done?
Our needs are many. Our resources are limited. One resource being stretched to breaking point (but much less talked about) is the human resource. In many organisations, people are under-led and over-managed.
Many employees have lost their energy and motivation for decent work. They suffer from stress related to their work and their mental health is deteriorating.
This cannot be allowed to continue in any institution. We cannot sacrifice the very resources that we utilize to save lives.
Every employee is looking for leadership that’s energizing, empowering, enabling and engaging. You can offer this leadership to your team.
Leaders lead people and manage tasks. You can take steps to create an environment that enables every individual to do their best work with dignity.
FACT: Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2024:
Only 12% of Employees in Ghana are engaged and thriving at work.
56% of employees reported experiencing stress related to their jobs daily.
How do you develop people to work with values that enable them to thrive?
Today, every individual has the opportunity to live their best life and fulfil their highest aspirations while doing their work and making a contribution.
We achieve these when we are driven by values and leadership. As a leader, you have a sacred opportunity to call forth the best in the individuals in our charge and give them an example that makes it easier for them to go on their journeys.
You do this when you open doors of opportunity for them and encourage them to do their best work. You can also support those in your charge to thrive and live life’s best values: Our best lives are driven by our core values.
Courage, Empathy, Faith, Discipline, Integrity, Humility, Excellence, Love. These are noble and make every life journey memorable. Teach these values to the next generation of leaders.
FACT: Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2024:
On the Life Evaluation scale, only 14% of Employees are rated as Thriving
Afrobaromenter Surveys Round 9 and 10 in 2022 and 2024:
Reports highlight public perception that corruption is pervasive and there is low trust in public institutions.
How do you live well while leading?
The candles that give us light in these dark days must continue to burn brightly. I am aware that being an effective CEO requires a lot of time and commitment.
It’s a job that must be done 24/7 with a soft heart and a cool head. It demands everything you’ve got but we do not want you to burn yourself out. We need you to show up with your best self to tackle the day's challenges. We are better off when you are living well while leading.
This means taking care of your body, mind, soul and spirit. Feed them so they provide you with the energy to continue the great work you do for humanity.
Give time for rest, reflection, and recuperation. Effective leadership in an age of intelligence is predicated on continuous learning. Learn to adapt and embrace all the dualities of leadership.
FACT: Harvard 2024 Global Leadership Development Study:
70% say it is important or very important for leaders to master a wider range of effective leadership behaviours to meet current and future business needs.
DDI Global Leadership Forecast 2025:
Stress among leaders is surging, with 71% reporting a significant increase in their stress levels since stepping into their current role.
…..be of good cheer!
The writer is the Founder of the CEO Accelerator Program and Chief Learning Strategist at TEMPLE Advisory. He specializes in leadership development, executive coaching and strategy consulting.
The mission of The Leadership Project is to harvest highly effective leadership practices and share them in a manner that other leaders can easily incorporate into their leadership practice.
If you have an idea or leadership practice to share, kindly write to programs@thelearningtemple.com.
Until you read from us again, keep leading…..from leader to leader, one practice at a time.