Keep-Fit Instructors get training
The Greater Accra Keep-Fit Cubs Association (GAFCA), in collaboration with the National Sports for All Association of Ghana (NASFAAG), last Friday concluded a three-day training programme on Basic Fitness Instructions for 36 participants.
The course, designed for trainers based in Accra, was supervised by a lecturer from the University of Education, Winneba, Emmanuel Osei Sarpong, who took participants through various aspects of fitness aimed at improving their abilities as fitness instructors.
Mr Sarpong said, “Because of poor training most keep-fit clubs help participants to keep fat rather than keep fit. With the sort of training you have gone through in three days you will go to their clubs and be better trainers”.
The course prefect, Rev James Addo, of the Triumphant Keep Fit Club, thanked GAFCA and NASFAAG for organising the course, adding that he and his course mates were now better trainers because of the training.
The president of NASFAAG, Nana Adu Mankatta II, said the participants did not have an easy task because as trainers they were “doctors” who had to prevent illnesses from occurring by designing exercise routines for their clubs.
“It has been three years since such a programme was organised in Accra, so I will urge you to treasure your certificate and embrace the important role you have to play in preventing illnesses because prevention is better than cure,” Nana Mankatta II told the participants.