Mr John Boadu (right) handing over the nomination forms to Mr Victor Newman
Mr John Boadu (right) handing over the nomination forms to Mr Victor Newman

President Akufo-Addo picks NPP nomination forms

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo yesterday picked nomination forms at the headquarters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to kickstart the process to launch his bid for a second term as President.

With a banker’s draft of GH¢20,000 issued in the name of the party, the Director of Research at the Presidency, Mr Victor Newman, picked the forms on behalf of the President to begin the process.


The President will need 10 party members in good standing in each of the 16 regions to endorse his nomination before the forms can be returned to the party’s headquarters on or before February 20, this year.

No time

Speaking to the Daily Graphic after taking the forms from the party’s General Secretary, Mr John Boadu, Mr Newman said February 20 might appear to be far but it was important that all aspirants came early to pick the nomination forms to facilitate the early completion and return of the forms.

He said the party was providing a level playing platform for all aspirants who were interested in both the parliamentary and presidential Primaries on April 25, this year.

“We entreat all those who are interested to come and pick the forms early, so that they can complete the process on time,” Mr Newman stressed.

He said the party would not prevent anyone from contesting the President to be elected as flag bearer for the NPP, but it was essential that such aspirants came early to pick the forms.

Four more

The move by the President is not a surprise, as many government appointees and party stalwarts have already started a campaign christened, #4More4Nana, #4MoreToDoMore.

The President, in recent times, has also been touting his record in office and reiterated the need for Ghanaians to re-elect him to enable him to continue with his “good works”.

In an interview, Mr Boadu said the party would close nominations on February 20 and expressed the hope that by then the President would have presented his forms.

“Now the President has satisfied the first rule by paying the GH¢20,000 nomination fee,” he said.


Although the NPP’s constitution does not give an automatic greenlight for a sitting President to be the party’s flag bearer, it is not clear if other people will follow the President’s footsteps in picking the forms.

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor did not face any challenge when he decided to lead the NPP into the 2004 elections.

The party endorsed his candidature by popular acclamation at its Special National Delegates Congress held in Sekondi in 2003 to affirm President Kufuor's re-election.

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