What are the symptoms of flat feet?
Some individuals may have fallen arches without having any symptoms throughout their lives. These individuals are able to perform their daily tasks without any difficulties.
Other individuals may have difficulty walking and may limp when they walk for prolonged periods of time.
Other symptoms of fallen arches include:
• Pain in the foot especially in the areas of the stretched or injured strong cords. The pain may involve the entire foot or ankle, or different aspect of the foot.
Some individuals have the pain only in the ankle joint or the middle or outer aspect of the foot. Due to the fallen arches there are alterations in the placement of the foot on the ground and may cause pain in the hip, knee or leg.
• Stiffness in the foot
• Individuals realise that one aspect of their footwear always wears out than the other
• Some individuals may have challenges in balance when they stand, walk or run.
How is flat feet diagnosed?
The physiotherapist observes and examines how you stand, walk etc. You’ll also be asked whether there have been modifications in your activities so that the risk factors can be addressed to prevent the condition from persisting.
Various tests are performed on your foot including flexibility tests.
An X-ray or MRI scan of your foot may also be conducted to check whether there are any broken bones in your feet.
Physiotherapy management of flat feet
Some individuals may observe that the arches of their feet are absent when the feet is placed on the ground but appears when they stand on their toes. This is known as flexible fallen arches.
However, if the arches in your feet are still absent even when you stand on your toes, then your condition is inflexible.
Most individuals may not experience pain in their feet at all throughout their lives whilst others do have pain and require management.
Without appropriate management, you may experience challenges eventually as the condition becomes worse. You will realise that your gait pattern or the way you walk changes and your balance is compromised.
This makes you more prone to injuries and pain in your legs and back.
Physiotherapy aids in decreasing challenges associated with flat feet by:
• Providing pain management
• Offering advice on exercises to assist in stretching the tight muscles
• Giving advice on appropriate footwear
• Strengthening weak muscles to help in the development of a correct foot posture
• Providing suitable insoles to improve your foot placement
Footwear and Insoles
There are custom-made arch supports or insoles which are essential in relieving stress on your feet. The supports also correct the placement of the foot on the ground when you stand or walk and prevents the feet from turning inwards each time you stand or walk.
The correction of the foot place eventually decreases the tendency of acquiring joint problems.
The writer is a senior physiotherapist at the 37 Military Hospital.