GOC organises course for health instructors
The Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) in collaboration with the Olympic Solidarity has begun a five-day National Keep Fit and Health Instructors Course for the National Sports For All Association at the Winneba Sports College aimed at teaching participants the techniques of exercising the body.
The president of the GOC, Professor Francis Dodoo, explained that it was the priority of the committee to improve the health of every individual in the country.
He added that the quest to put an end to non-communicable diseases prompted the GOC to run the course for the participants since they were the first line of resource persons to help prevent these diseases.
"It is important that we reach out to the health needs of the people in the country and the quest to put an end to non-communicable diseases is key," he stressed.
Erasmus Adorkor, the Director of the National Sports College, appealed to the GOC to design more of such courses for the Sports College.