Classic Diagnostic & Medical Clinic opens in Agbogba - Accra
A new health facility named Classic Diagnostic & Medical Clinic at Agbogba in the Ga East municipality, at the weekend opened officially to the public, with managers promising the best of healthcare for clients, near and far.
Chief Executive of the Clinic, Mrs. Juliana Kwabea Quansah summed up the clinic’s aspirations, promising a world class medical/health care with a high hospitality service.
“We are positioned to be innovative and dynamic in the provision of Health/Diagnostic/Medical care services. This we would do in strict compliance with professional and ethical standards. We would deploy Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Management System Processes ((HSEMSP) in our Medical practice, in order to add value to our services. With this, we aim to deliver quality, excellent and standard health care service to our esteemed clients / patients. We would ensure that the clinic environment is patient friendly and comfortable,” she told guests and patrons attending the inaugural ceremony.
Classic Diagnostic represents Excellence
Mrs. Juliana Kwabea Quansah said the clinic is committed to operational excellence, which it will achieve by ensuring continuous improvement in work practices, processes and procedures.
She said feedback especially from unsatisfied clients would be most welcome as it would serve as a critical measure of service delivery and performance.
The 24-hour operational Classic Diagnostic & Medical Clinic offers primary and secondary Out-patient and In–patient health care services, general and specialist medical care covering internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, maternity care, home care services, physiotherapy and preventive and promotional health care.
“We are committed to our clients’ comfort, wellbeing, safety and security while in our premises, hence the necessary facilities and equipment have been put in place to guarantee this. We would ensure that from the security at the gate to the front desk and all through the other units of the clinic, our clients have an exciting experience,” the CEO of Classic Diagnostic & Medical Clinic assured.
The Ga East Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Madam Janet Tulasi Mensah, who was at the inauguration, called the facility a great development and encouraged residents and those nearby to patronize the facility. She was particularly delighted at the capacity of the clinic to deliver quality service, installed gear and calibre of staff.
A retired Director of Legislative Drafting at the Attorney-General's Department, Madam Estelle Appiah, said she was amazed at the initiative of the CEO of Classic Diagnostic & Medical Clinic to set up the facility to serve the community.
“We have done a tour of the facility and I’ve been extremely impressed by what I saw. One of the factors is that it is going to be paperless, it is going to run a wide range of services, physiotherapy, pharmacy, maternity and other health facilities, there would be a ward for in-patient care, and it will also provide emergency health care and in fact, this place is quite something to reckon with.”