State Attorney did not consult before dropping Delta 8 case - Information Ministry
The Attorney General did not sanction the decision to drop charges against the eight Delta Force members, a pro-NPP vigilante group in Kumasi, the Ministry of Information has said in a statement.
The eight were standing trial for disturbing the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) Circuit Court proceedings and resisting arrest and rescue of persons in lawful custody on April 6, 2017.
However at the court’s sitting on Wednesday, the prosecution announced that it had received advice from the AG’s office to drop the charges for lack of evidence.
Subsequently the court discharged the accused persons and struck out the case.
Related: AG drops case against Delta Force 8
The Ministry of Information in a statement however on Wednesday evening explained that the Principal State Attorney in the case did not consult the Attorney General before dropping the charges against the accused.
According to the ministry, the AG has subsequently launched an investigation into the circumstances explaining that the action by the State Attorney may amount to “a breach of internal procedures on matters of this nature.”
Related: Why the AG dropped case against Delta 8
Below is the Ministry of Information’s full statement:
The Attorney General’s department is investigating circumstances under which a Principal State Attorney in Kumasi decided without recourse to advice from higher authority on a matter of high public interest of this nature to drop charges against persons arrested in connection with disturbances in a Kumasi Magistrate’s court in April this year.
Preliminary investigations suggest that the decision was taken without recourse even to the Director of Public Prosecution and may amount to a breach of internal procedures on matters of this nature.
While the department awaits the full results of this investigation we will like to reiterate our commitment to ensuring that the rule of law is applied at all times and persons found culpable of any breaches that bring the work and commitment of the department into disrepute will be sanctioned and the appropriate remedies adopted in the interest of the Republic.
Information Ministry