RE: ‘First ladies through the years’
The Limann family's attention has been drawn to the Friday, March 3-10, 2017 edition of The Mirror with the headline: “First ladies through the years." In the said publication it was erroneously stated that: "Mrs Dora Fulera Limann was born in September 1979 but passed away in December 1981.''
“We take grave exception to this embarrassment and misrepresentation of facts which the family considers rather disappointing and a disrespect to our family as our mother is not only alive but well. The family is devastated with the distortion of facts and the attempt to disgrace the family.”
A statement signed by Dr Zilla Limann, on behalf of the Dr Hilla Limann’s family, said “our consternation is bolstered by the fact that about two years ago, the Daily Graphic committed an equally unpardonable blunder when it published a line-up of Presidents of Ghana, past and present, and omitted our father, Dr. Hilla Limann, President of the Third Republic.
“After verbal apologies when the paper was taken on privately by many well-wishers of our late Father we let sleeping dogs lie. However, this second affront suggests to us that there is a deliberate attempt to mar the legacy of our parents.
“How else can we explain why your newspaper failed to be thorough and undertake the necessary due diligence before publications concerning the Limann family?”
The statement pointed out that Mrs Limann was born on November 8. 1945 and recently celebrated her 70th anniversary with her children and grand-children.
It further corrected the spelling of the name of one of the late President’s children, Leda Limann, which was erroneously spelt Lida Limann in the publication.
“Not only is this unfair to the family and well-wishers of our late father, but is also an unfortunate legacy to pass on to future generations as a nation that does not record its past accurately has certainly no foundation to boast of to pass on to future generations,” it added.
Editor’s Note
The printer’s devil reared its ugly head in last week’s publication – Friday, March 3-9, 2017 – on First Ladies through the years, when we substituted the tenure of office of Dr Hilla Limann, President of the Third Republic, as the birth and death of his wife, Mrs Dora Fulera Limann.
It was inadvertent because Mrs Limann is alive while it is impossible for her to have been married within two years of her birth. She could not have been born in September 1979, grow up and be given in marriage and then pass away in December 1981.
We unreservedly apologise for the error and to state emphatically that Mrs Limann is alive and kicking. We take the opportunity to wish her God’s continuous blessings, good health and long life.