Lions District 418 Governor Elect completes training in the USA
The District Governor-Elect for District 418-Ghana of Lions Clubs International, Lion Helen Maku Obeng has returned home after a five-day training seminar for District Governors Elect for the 2020-2021 Lions Service Year at the Q Center Conference facility in St. Charles, Illinois, in the United States of America (USA).
Lion Obeng, who is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow (PMJF), joined fellow Governors Elect for the intensive multi-day training which seeks to equip First Vice District Governors and District Governors Elect, with the knowledge, vision and skills necessary to strengthen and build Lions Clubs International, the largest global service organisation.
Classroom workshops
As part of the training programme, the in-coming governors had a number of classroom workshops, general discussions, town halls and story-telling sessions.
This training session is the first part of the full training schedule. The next part is expected to take place in June this year in Singapore, the host country for the 103rd Lions Clubs International Convention.
There was a preview of Singapore for the District Governors Elect, which boasts of the very beautiful and modern Sands Expo and Convention Centre that includes a posh hotel with an infinity pool and spa, as well as the Gardens by the Bay, which features a modern public garden and the Merlion, featuring a half -lion half -fish statue fountain.
The DGE was seen on her departure by Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Coordinator, Lion Abi Adatsi, and met on arrival by the District Protocol Coordinator, Lion Samuel Calvin.
Lion Obeng, a legal practitioner, was elected at the recent delegates meeting of Lions District 418 held at the Erata Hotel in Accra, which was witnessed by the Coordinating Lion and Past District International Director (PID), H. O. B. Lawal and Lion Past Multiple District Council Chair and Past District Governor, Kola R. Oyekanmi and Chaired by the District Governor for District 418, Lion Dr Kwaku Mensa Bonsu.
Lion David Owusu Anokye, a Past Region Chairman, was elected First Vice District Governor, for District 418.
Quality membership
In her acceptance speech, Ghana’s District Governor Elect, Lion Obeng, who becomes the second District Governor for District 418 and also the first female Governor for District 418, said her vision is to focus on quality membership.
“Once we achieve this we shall be in a position to serve with joy and be responsive to the needs of our communities,” she stated, adding that “Let us be passionate and with a sense of purpose and determination to make the District the pride of Africa.”
Lion Obeng, who is an old student of Achimota School and Mfantsiman Girls, asked Lions of Ghana to contribute to make a difference in the global sphere and said this could be achieved through bonds of friendship, respect and commitment.
She said it was crucial that we worked as a team, since that was the only way through which we could make an impact in our communities.
A product of the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), Lion Obeng said one of her goals is to enhance the image of the International Association of Lions Clubs, also known as Lions Clubs International.
The DGE, who is a member of the Accra Diamond Lions Club, was confident that the Zone Chairmen, the Club Presidents and entire membership, will work towards placing Ghana Lions very high on the ladder of Lions.
Lion Lawal commended Lions of Ghana for how far they have come and urged them to work together peacefully.
Lion Kola was happy that the elections were held in a free and fair environment and charged Ghana Lions to continue to learn more about Lionism, to enable them make positive contributions.
Lion Mensa Bonsu, who introduced the DGE and the First Vice District Governor, pledged his unflinching support and said Ghana Lions will not let themselves down.
Lion Obeng formerly worked with the NTHC and is currently a partner of Eshun, Anderson-Yeboah, Obeng and Co. Solicitors, Advocates and Notaries Public.
She’s been a Lion for 26 years. She worships at the Accra Ridge Church.
PHOTO: Lion Dr Kwaku Mensa Bonsu (right), current District Governor of District 418 of Lions Clubs International, introduces Lion David Owusu Anokye, First Vice District Governor, for District 418 of LCI.
Lion Abi Adatsi (right), seeing off Lion Helen Obeng
Lion Helen Obeng arrives home from her training in the USA
Lion PID H.O. B. Lawal, addressing delegates.