Leaders must lead by example — Pastor Ransford Obeng
Pastor Ransford Obeng, the Head of the Calvary Charismatic Centre (CCC), a Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian Church, was born to a humble home at Gyakiti, a town in the Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region, exactly 60 years ago, and to celebrate this milestone, he mobilised his members across the country to donate blood to save lives.
They donated 703 pints of blood on June 4, 2016, two days before his birthday of June 6, which coincided with the World Blood Donation Day instituted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This year’s World Blood Donation Day was on the theme “Blood connects us.”
Pastor Obeng recalls how God saved his life as a toddler from the jaws of death as narrated to him by his mother. His mother was going to fetch water at a distance from their house and left him in the care of a family member. But he was abandoned by the said family member and by the time his mother returned baby-Ransford had crawled and entered a raging fire, but by the grace of God he was saved. He did not die from the burns.
“The enemy saw what Jehovah wanted to do with me and schemed to cut it off. It is just like when Jesus was born; the devil who knew what Christ was going to do inspired Herod to kill all newly born males but God did not allow the evil intentions of the devil to cut short the life of our Master and saviour Jesus Christ,” Pastor Ransford said to the glory of God.
As a practical demonstration of a statement he constantly makes that leaders in all spheres of human endeavour must lead by example, he donated a pint of blood at the just- ended blood donation exercise he organised to mark his June 6 birthday at his church edifice at Ayigya in Kumasi, the Garden City.
To the surprise of many, especially journalists who had gathered to witness the blood donation, which was also extended to some church branches across the country, Pastor Ransford (as he is affectionately called by the church members) got out of the bed after donating blood and encouraged his members to donate blood, while commending those who had completed the process.
Blood record
This is the fourth successive year he has organised a blood donation exercise to mark his birthday, and each year he donates blood. The 703 pints of blood donated is arguably seen as one of the highest donations by a single entity on a single day in the country.
Pastor Ransford Obeng, Head Pastor of the CCC, leading members of the church to donate blood, an exercise that produced over 700 pints in a single day to mark his 60th birthday.
When asked why he organised the fourth blood donation exercise, this is what Pastor Ransford had to say: “To help save lives and help people to witness the glory of the living God.”
Pastor Ransford explained that there were countless number of patients at hospitals who needed blood to survive and since he had chalked up 60 years with the help of God, he decided to mobilise the church members to undertake that noble act.
He added that “Jehovah has been kind to me in the last 60 years. God in his infinite wisdom has provided His children with enough, but corrupt, greedy and selfish leaders and some individuals have created the lack,” he said.
He is very accessible to all his members who do not need to go through any bureaucratic process before interacting with him. He is always seen holding discussions with them on the church premises, a situation which makes it difficult for first timers to make him out as the head pastor.
Pastor Ransford’s philosophy is that leaders of all Christian denominations must lead their congregations and groups with examples of their everyday life just as Christ taught and lived.
Simplicity and integrity are his hallmark, especially at home, where he is a husband to Mama Joyce and the father of Joshua and Eunice.
Considered as a chip of an old block, Pastor Ransford's son, Joshua, through the influence of his father and the grace of the Almighty God, has received the calling and is currently a full-time pastor ministering the word of God.
Main aim
For Pastor Ransford, the ultimate goal is a place in heaven, where God will sit in judgement. To attain this, he admonishes that every step, utterance and interaction of every Christian everywhere must be acceptable to God.
“Will Christ be happy with what you say, do or do not do”? These are some of the questions he poses.
Great commission
The Great Commission by the Lord and Master Jesus Christ is a cardinal theme in the messages and mission of the church and members are reminded, encouraged and taught to accomplish this commission set by Christ Jesus.
Matthew 28:19-20 says: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
A section of the church auditorium at Ayigya in Kumasi in full capacity during a church service
The church has a strong mission team that mobilises clothing and other things to the remotest part, especially the northern part of Ghana, where they have been preaching the word of God while at the same time supporting their material needs. The team is now looking at adding medical care to the mission work. All these are financed solely by the church.
People are converted to Christ and encouraged to also preach the word of God in all these areas.
The church has also sent missionaries to the U.K, USA, Jamaica, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Senegal and other countries around the world.
CCC trajectory
Out of the 60 years Pastor Ransford has spent on earth, 40 have been dedicated to full time ministry, with 30 solid years devoted to the forming and leading the congregation of CCC.
The CCC was started as a fellowship of believers. It was officially inaugurated as a church on Sunday, April 7, 1985, at the ministries' canteen in Kumasi at 8 a.m. with over 100 people in attendance. In 1984, God gave Pastor Ransford a vision to start a non-denominational English church in Kumasi that will spread the good news across the country and to the ends of the earth.
This was one of the very first in Kumasi, Ghana. This was a church that was driven by a unique worship experience –with contemporary bible based music, strict adherence to time, excellence, simplicity and modesty of the church leadership, Christ-centred teachings and programmes.
Pastor Ransford started CCC as an independent church and solely financed it from its inception until the church became self-sufficient to cater for its needs. Prior to the establishment of CCC, Pastor Ransford served as an associate Pastor in the Central Assemblies of God Church at Akwatia Line in Kumasi from 1979 to 1984.
According to Pastor Samuel Aduamah, one of the young pastors learning at the feet of Pastor Ransford, the journey has been tortuous, including all forms of battles, but with the help of Christ they have surmounted the storm.
Pastor Ransford has been able to raise a church of over 7,200 strong members, with over 380 branches planted across the country and beyond.
He has trained and mentored many young ministers into key leadership positions and he is committed to equipping and producing believers who are empowered to fulfil their God-ordained purposes and ministry.
Dr Mensa Otabil
The Head Pastor of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Dr Mensa Otabil, a long-time friend of Pastor Ransford, said of Pastor Ransford:
“Throughout all these years, when many men and women of our age have not been able to hold steadfast to their faith, you have been steadfast and your character and testimony speak to it. Sixty years is not just an accumulation of years but a life well lived.
“God has expanded you and made you a testimony to many of us. I treasure your commitment and friendship.”
Peaceful Ghana
Proffering his views on the forthcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, Pastor Ransford urged the stakeholders in the elections to ensure a level playing field and cautioned that no one should do anything to usurp the choice and the will of the people.