IMANI ranked second most influential think tank in Africa
IMANI Centre for Policy and Education has been ranked the second most influential think tank in Africa in 2014 by the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
IMANI, which was ranked fourth in 2013, has now moved up two places in the 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report.
IMANI Ghana is a think tank that focusses on "educating society on the benefits of a free economy and policy issues concerning business,government and civil society".
See how IMANI performed below.
Top Think Tanks Worldwide (Non-U.S.)---out of 100 ranked globally
Position: 68. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Top Think Tanks Worldwide (U.S. and non-U.S.) out of 150 ranked globally
Position-109. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks (World Wide) out of 80 ranked globally
Position: 58. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Best Think Tank Network out of 60 ranked globally
Position: 58. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Best Use of Social Networks out of 60 ranked globally
position-48. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Think Tank to Watch out of a global pool of 80 ranked
Position: 29. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Think Tanks with the Most Innovative Policy Ideas/Proposals out of 30 ranlked globally
position-25. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Think Tanks with the Most Significant Impact on Public Policy out of a global pool of 70 think tanks
Position-51. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Top Think Tanks with Annual Operating Budgets of Less Than $5 Million USD out of 25 ranked think tanks globally
Position-10. IMANI Center for Policy and Education (Ghana)
Via: University of Pennsylvania