Sunyani Methodist Diocese gets new
A new Bishop of the Sunyani Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, Right Reverend Kwaku Effah, was last Sunday inducted into office at a colourful ceremony at the Wesley Methodist Cathedral in Sunyani.
The 65-year-old bishop, who was ordained as a minister of the church in 1998, was inducted into office by the Presiding Bishop of the church, Most Reverend Paul Kwabena Boafo, who was assisted by bishops of other dioceses of the church.
The colourful ceremony which was interspersed with singing of hymns and anthems as well as dancing was attended by people from all walks of life, including chiefs and the Bono Regional Minister, Justina Owusu Banahene.
Induction rites
After going through the induction rites, Bishop Effah was presented with a Skull Cap, Ring, Pectoral Cross, Bible, Pastoral Staff in accordance with Exodus 28:23 and a copy of the constitution of the church.
These insignia symbolise the office of the bishop among the worshipping community of the Sunyani Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana.
Most Rev. Dr Boafo reminded the new bishop that he had been called to serve the flock of Christ as a good shepherd.
"Feed the flock; hold up the weak, heal the sick, bind up the broken, bring again the outcast, seek the lost.
So be merciful that you do not be remiss; so minister discipline, that you forget not mercy that when the chief shepherd shall appear you may receive the never-ending crown of glory," he charged the new bishop.
Delivering a sermon on the theme: “A new beginning, reflecting on the past and the present for a bright future", a former Presiding Bishop of the church, Rev. Dr Robert Aboagye-Mensah, entreated the congregation to reflect on and pick lessons in order not to repeat their past mistakes.
“The provision of Manna for the Israelites in the wilderness is an indication God is indeed passionate, concerned and ever ready to alleviate the plight of his chosen people who obey Him,” he stated. Rev. Dr Aboagye-Mensah told Bishop Effah that even though he would face challenges, he should put his trust, faith and confidence in God who called him in order to overcome such challenges.
New beginning
He said a new beginning also demanded serious reflection on what God has promised to do for his children in the present and therefore asked Christians to serve God faithfully to obtain earthly comforts.
Rt Rev. Effah promised to serve the diocese in humility and called for support from members of the church to enable him to faithfully serve both the Methodist community and the entire people in the area.
While congratulating Bishop Effah for his elevation, the Bono Regional Minister, Ms Owusu-Banahene, urged him to work hard to provide the spiritual needs of the people placed under his care She commended the Methodist Church and other religious bodies for serving as development partners to the government and asked them to work to instil discipline and morality into the youth.