Nana Ama Eson-Mensah
Nana Ama Eson-Mensah

Nana Ama Eson-Mensah burial Thursday

Burial and final funeral rites of Nana Ama Eson-Mensah, aged 45, will take place on Thursday in Kumasi.


Burial service will be held at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, South Suntreso at 8:30 a.m after which a private burial will take place at Ejuratia Catholic Cemetery.

Final funeral rites will take place at House No. 2, North Patasi, near Assemblies of God Church after the burial. A memorial and thanksgiving service will take place on Sunday, June 16 at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, South Suntreso at 8:30 a.m


A former lecturer at GIJ UNIMAC, Nana Ama as she was popularly called graduated from the same institution with a Diploma in Communication in 2009 after which she gained admission to the  Cardiff University in Wales, for a Master of Arts degree in Journalism in 2010.

With a desire to further her academic pursuits, Nana Ama embarked on a doctorate degree at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania and before her untimely death, was preparing for the defence of her research work leading to the award of the PhD.

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