Auditor-General quizzes CHRAJ boss from today
A special purpose audit of the accommodation arrangements and related matters involving the commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Ms Lauretta Lamptey, will be conducted by the Auditor General from today.
The audit will also take a peep into CHRAJ governance issues and budgetary estimates.
A highly-placed source told the Daily Graphic yesterday that the team will be led by Ms Grace Kwakyewa, Director of Audit of the Auditor General’s Department and will be assisted by two Assistant Directors of Audit.
The source said CHRAJ officials received a letter requesting the audit on September 25, 2014.
The items on the check list for the special audit, the Daily Graphic learnt are 18 but the source would not give details.
Daily Graphic investigations published in the September 16 issue of the paper indicated that the CHRAJ commissioner had, since August this year, moved into a hotel after the US$5,500 monthly rent for her apartment at the African Union (AU) Village expired.
This was as a result of the fact that Ms Lamptey was awaiting the completion of her official residence, which was still under renovation, three years after assuming the position . That means from July 2011 when she was appointed to July 2014 when her rent at the AU Village expired, a period of 37 months, $203,500 was spent on her rent accommodation and other utilities.
The publication raised a lot of concern from individuals and bodies with calls on the CHRAJ boss to resign. The government has already said it will welcome an audit of the commission.