Adam Fuseini speaking on behalf of families of the deceased
Adam Fuseini speaking on behalf of families of the deceased

2 Lynched over witchcraft accusations in Mion - Families demand justice

The families of two persons lynched in the Mion District over witchcraft accusations on May 9 have called for justice for the victims.


The families have appealed to the police to thoroughly investigate the incident and bring the culprits to book.

They described the death of the victims as a big blow and they believe ensuring swift justice delivery would give them some respite.

On May 9, 2023, two persons were reportedly lynched at Zakpalsi, a farming community in the Mion District in the Northern Region, over witchcraft accusations.

The deceased, Imoro Safura, 40, a mother of seven, and Mba Cherefo were reportedly lynched, after being accused of being behind the illness of a woman in the community after her family consulted a soothsayer.

Irate youth in the community reportedly attacked Safura at her residence and sensing danger, she ran to seek refuge at the chief’s palace but was overpowered and lynched in the process, sources in the community hinted.

They alleged that subsequently, the youth pursued Cherefo and killed him at his residence.


The Spokesperson of the families of the deceased, Adam Fuseini, said that even though the deceased would not be brought back to life, arresting and prosecuting the culprits, who were members of the community, would bring some relief to the families.

Mr Fuseini made the call when the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Lariba Zuweira Abudu, visited the families last Friday to empathise with them, as part of her tour of the Northern Region.

Joined by the Northern Regional Police Commander, DCOP Duuti Tuaruka, the minister visited the community to have first-hand information regarding the incident and to empathise with the families.

Hajia Lariba assured the families of the victims that justice would be served and said the police had made significant progress in their investigation.

She advised the residents against accusing individuals of witchcraft, urging them not to always attribute certain happenings to witchcraft but rather seek help from the appropriate quarters.

Courtesy call

As part of the tour, the minister paid a courtesy call on the Overlord of Dagbon, Ya-Na Abukari II, to court his support in the fight against witchcraft accusations and attacks.

She emphasised the need for the ministry and traditional leaders to effectively collaborate to promote safety, justice and social harmony within the community.
For his part, Ya-Na pledged his unflinching support to the campaign to end the menace.

Writer's email: mohammed.fugu@graphic.

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