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Hey parents! Here are 28 internet acronyms you absolutely need to know
Spotted your teen texting about wanting to “KPC”? It’s not a typo about hitting Kentucky Fried Chicken. She’s more likely intent on “keeping parents clueless.” As many parents are just now discovering, there’s a veritable dictionary of acronyms like this one, created for that exact purpose, and used widely online in social media and texting apps.
Cool Mom Tech’s cheat sheet includes more lingo about concealing activity from mom and dad:
PIR = Parent in room
PAL = Parents are Listening
AITR = Adult in the room
PAW = Parents are Watching
PA or PA911 = Parent Alert
CD9 or Code 9 = Parent around
99 = Parent gone
303 = Mom
But the above acronyms aren’t the most concerning when it comes to teens, Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) program manager Denise DeRosa tells Yahoo Parenting. It’s the sex stuff. And the list of lingo about sexual activity is long – not to mention, graphic:
GNOC = Get naked on camera
GYPO = Get your pants off
IWSN= I want sex now
LH6 = Let’s have sex
CU46 = See you for sex
53X= Sex
8 = Oral sex
TDTM = Talk dirty to me
PRON= Porn
IPN= I’m posting naked
NIFOC= Naked in front of computer
WTTP= Want to trade pictures?
?^= Want to Hook Up?
NSA=No Strings Attached
RU/18 = Are You Over 18?
I&I = Intercourse & Inebriation
“The most important thing is to talk to kids about what they’re doing online,” says DeRosa. “Of course kids are going to change the acronyms they use as soon as parents catch on, but you don’t want them to feel like they always have to be hiding things. The more overbearing you are, the faster they’ll find a new way to make sure you don’t see what they’re doing.”