Living your dreams
Life to me is about living fully, all out. It is about moving one day at a time, one action at a time toward my dreams.
It is about being happy, healthy and comfortable in my body, cultivating freedom in my day and my life.
It is about a life of service to others and using my gifts. It was not that way for me just a few short years ago.
In April 2009, I was diagnosed with DCIS, early stage of breast cancer. I came face to face with my life, and how very far it had veered off course from my life’s purpose and the life I had dreamed of since I was a little girl of six years old.
I realised at that moment that I had been dying a slow death because I wasn’t happy. I was so off my life purpose of being a healer and a teacher that my body was starting to shut down.
I was overweight physically and emotionally, and now I had breast cancer. I was depressed, lonely, living in a new city for over a year at the time, away from my family and friends. I thought, how did I get this way?
I got this way because I allowed my life not to be mine. I allowed the voices of society and others over the years to tell me what to do, that
I needed to get a job, that I couldn’t be successful as a healer or as a spiritual coach and teacher.
I listened to what I was supposed to do by my conditioning instead of following my heart and soul.
I listened to the world outside of me, and it put me out of alignment. My breast cancer was my wake up call to get back to living and get back to my purpose. It was my greatest gift.
At that moment of realisation, I asked the Universe to send me the right person to teach me and help me gain the skills and tools I needed to save myself which included losing the weight, healing my body, mind, and spirit, using my gifts to help others and to start living my life’s purpose of serving others.
I committed at the moment to shifting my life into one of health, abundance and freedom, along with designing the life of my dreams.
The Universe responded very quickly to my prayer by directing me to gifted teachers and eventually leading me to Soul Therapy School.
So, how do you break through self-limiting fears and start living your dreams? You do this by cultivating self-love.
Self-love is the foundation where all things are possible. When you love yourself above all else, you start thinking, feeling and acting very differently toward your life.
You will start to find yourself making very different choices immediately. You start to think about how much your dreams matter.
How much you matter, and your amazingly powerful and intelligent body is the vehicle to get you there.
One thing that would be of help to tap into your dreams is to write a list of all the things you love to do. What brings you joy? What makes you happy? What do you do for fun? Start there.
Your purpose is somewhere in that list. Your purpose is in what you do naturally, such as love, or bringing peace to others, or living in truth.
From there, you can start enjoying your life more by living with your purpose in mind. When you are living your purpose with self-love, fear loses its hold on you.
You are having too much fun to be afraid. Then, as you lose some of your fear, make a list of what you have always dreamed of and deeply desired.
Cultivate self-love and you will see how easily the fear dissipates and is replaced with passion for life, and how you find yourself on the path to really living your dreams.
Source: www.selfgrowth.com