How to stop cluttering
Getting rid of clutter is not just about deciding on one critical morning that you are declaring war on all unwanted stuff. Unfortunately, it is also not about doing what we usually refer to as “general cleaning”.
It is about dealing with your mind, your space, yourself and in a sum total, dealing with your life.
In one of the previous articles we saw the emergency approach the creator took to deal with the unpleasant scenario of clutter in the Genesis story.
We will systematically look at how clutter was dealt with.
Acknowledge the issue of clutter
Look out for the reason why there is a clutter within your space and accept that there is a problem. We have certain expectations about our space when we created it. So when the results are contrary to what we expect we can conclude that there is a problem.
No homeowner particularly desires to clutter up his or her space. We always wake up to that realisation that our space has become “formless and void”. We often suddenly realise that our space has become choked or out of function.
Things are just happening at will and there seem to be no control whatsoever on what adds on or how and where things are placed. One litter after the other and the cluttering continues.
The questions to ask are: What is the picture of my expectation? What do I see? Is what I see what I want or desire?
These are the questions and other related ones that must be going on introspectively.
Define your space
Know what you really have as your allowable space. Know your space and all its contents. Get to know what is involved in the problem. Get closer to the problem; no one has ever solved a problem without getting involved with the problem.
All problems must be solved from within and from without and that requires involvement. Develop the interest in getting a solution to the issues at hand. We don’t have to shy away from problems.
Clutter cannot be solved by pretending the problem isn’t there, or by getting ourselves less involved in the solution.
The best way to solve a problem of clutter is to get into the midst of it or at least getting closely involved, after all it happened either by your making or something just went wrong and got beyond your control.
Determine the causes
Get to the root of the clutter and know the causes. The scripture says that the Creator used light. “Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good…”
The light exposed the causes, the root of the problem. This is the point of the process that leads to the practical solution of all problems including clutter.
Try to appreciate what is happening within the space that has been cluttered up. Get yourself to understand what is really wrong with the situation.