Letter to the Editor: Ensure clean environment
Cleanliness, they say, is next to godliness. This saying stresses the need for all to ensure that they keep their surroundings clean.
Many well-meaning Ghanaians have expressed divergent views on the issue of cleanliness and the time has come for us to act on finding a lasting solution to it.
I must state that the poor sanitation in the country these days has become unbearable. The poor town planning methods that have been adopted by land owners have also added to the bad sanitary condition.
Structures are improperly sited, blocking the path through which water flows, thereby causing floods whenever it rains.
Because areas are not properly planned, there are no designated sites for dumping refuse or for building places of convenience.
This, therefore, makes people dispose rubbish just anywhere. Some even throw them into gutters where they become breeding grounds for mosquitoes which also bring about malaria.
Aside this, the refuse choke the gutters they are dumped in, thereby blocking the free flow of water.
Once we experience some rainfall, there is severe flooding with its attendant damage to properties.
To address this problem, I suggest that the Town and Country Planning Department should liaise with the Metropolitan,
Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to ensure that houses are properly sited. Adequate dust bins must also be provided and placed at vantage points in order to improve sanitation in the country.
Furthermore, in areas where open defecation is prevalent, there should be a conscious effort to sensitise the people to the practice.
Open defecation pollutes the land and water bodies which serve as habitat for aquatic animals. It also makes water unsafe for drinking and could lead to the outbreak of cholera.
I hope my thoughts would be taken into consideration in order to improve on the insanitary conditions in the country.
Elvis Fasemkye,
Star International School,
Teshie Tsuibleoo.