To Teknokrat Busumuru Kofi Annan: Tribute by KNUST Alumni Association
The KNUST Alumni Association mourns with the family, the nation and the entire global community on the passing of this great son of the universe – Kofi Annan.
We, as alumni of KNUST – Teknokrats as we call ourselves – are particularly proud to share a common heritage with this extraordinary world leader.
With his own description as an “atribal in a tribal world” and his soft – spoken nature, he was one cut out for the international relations and diplomatic career right from his very beginning as a budget officer at the WHO.
He lived his life committed by words and in deeds, abiding by the tenets: “There can be no development without long-term peace and stability and there can be no peace and stability without the rule of law and respect for human rights,” to quote him.
While acknowledging our differences in religion, languages, skin colour, he firmly believed we all belong to one human race! To him, globalisation was a matter of course since we all share a common destiny and if one is going to err, one should err on the side of liberty and freedom for all.
With these beliefs etched deeply in his heart and his very being, he led the United Nations for two terms and sought to carry its messages and essence to as far as possible, close and clear to the individual global citizen of the UN.
He affirms that; “Knowledge is Power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family.”
“And human rights education is a process to equip every global citizen with the tools they need to live lives of security and dignity!”
On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary celebration of KNUST at the Awards and Dinner Dance hosted by the alumni association in 2001, the KNUST Alumni Association bestowed upon him the honour of the most distinguished Teknokrat in international diplomacy. We had hoped he would celebrate the evening with us and receive the award in person but missed the opportunity when an urgent and important assignment prevented him from attending the event at the last minute.
We had also hoped that after his term of office as Chancellor of the University of Ghana (UG), to reasonably and actively engage him in close interactions on KNUST issues but man proposes, God disposes.
E. Teknokrat Kofi Atta Annan was not just a great politician, he was an icon, an all-round inspiration to everyone. We pray that his legacy will continue to grow as new generations of Teknokrats and the youth of the world discover and emulate his unique heritage and legacy.
Rest in eternal perfect peace, Teknokrat Kofi Atta Annan.
Nante yie!!!