Supporting a reading culture in Ghana
For thousands of years, parents and teachers learned the art of raising children through grandparents, aunts, uncles, and neighbours in traditional societies. These days, with people living far from traditional families in isolated communities, changes have become necessary; but the value of sharing knowledge through other people’s experiences still persists.
The GNAPS initiative for 2018
The theme, “Promoting a reading culture: A key to the information age” by the Ghana National Association of Private Schools (GNAPS) at the British Council (February 22, 2018) was a most fitting reminder for 2018.
It was refreshing to hear the President of GNAPS,
The General Secretary, Justice King Essiel, corroborated that in these days of technological advancements, we need to apply the best practices for the efficient management of educational systems. In developing learners to discover and acquire skills and communicate, it is necessary to make responsible use of digital technology.
“The guests of your mind”
Going through my video archives, I chanced upon an interview with TV Africa years back. The host asked why it was important to read. My response was that when you read the best books, you will have as “the guests of your mind” the greatest people who ever lived since the beginning of the written language.
Through reading, wherever one finds themselves, there is an abundance of wisdom and knowledge swirling around, and ready to be disclosed and shared freely. With that abundance, you decide on the kind of thought appropriate for any occasion
Reading provides a feast at which one can sit at will, devour freely and grow in exponential proportions. So much has been prepared for the nourishment of the mind and soul that to not partake is to waste the muscles of one’s mind through the lack of use.
Learning to concentrate
Every person needs to identify a certain passion or area of interest, and then concentrate on that, and find all the materials that can be supportive
For starters, they have to learn to concentrate for at least 10 minutes. I
Realising that now – with the ability to concentrate for 30 minutes - you can now extend it to 45 minutes, and an hour. It takes practice to concentrate. But the important thing is that we have to start teaching them young so they can see the value of concentration and apply to the discipline to
The language of the disciplines
What subject in the world can one be adept at if you don’t know the language of that particular discipline? And it all boils down to reading. Every subject under the sun has its own vocabulary. If you want to get into law, it’s got its own vocabulary. If you want to get into medicine, it’s got its own vocabulary. Engineering has its own vocabulary.
Even to be a good parent demands a particular discipline which can be learned. A lot of people think they are parents just because they have children. There are ways in which one can be a superior parent. And all of that can border on reading, as we try to emulate particular people who have raised successful children, and find out how they did it. There are books now that outline the principles that help to make successful parenting.
Without reading and understanding what we read, we become illiterates in many avoidable ways. And to be illiterate means to not reflect on what we do
Email: anishaffar@gmail.com
Blog: www.anishaffar.org