How much longer will 4x4 survive?
If there is a prayer I would ask to be said for hiplife trio, 4X4, it is that may they not break up and go their separate ways as many promising Ghanaian music groups have done.
Especially within the last couple of years, a good number of popular groups have split and the members have moved on to pursue solo careers.
Let me bring you up to speed on the current situation in music circles as far as breaking up of groups is concerned. There are varied reasons why individuals in groups decide to go solo. Over the years, it has been known that, most music groups break up because of career direction.
If after working together for some time any member realised that his dream was not being met, or because of the behaviour of one member, the achievement of their collective dream was being hindered, a break up resulted.
An example of this was when Praye group broke up Praye Tintin was accused of being indiscipline and that his actions were affecting the group in a negative way, hence, the other two couldn’t work with him again.
You may also know about the breakup of Okyeame Kwame and Okyeame Quophi. They bonded so well for long that it was quite painful to see them go their separate ways.
What led to their break up was purely career directions. One person wanted to do one thing, the other wanted a different direction, so the vision changed along the line.
Prior to their break up and after, there have been several other splits such as Sass Squad and later, TH4 Kwages, Buk Bak, Mframa, Nkasei, Wutah, Klala, VIP and most recently Praye.
So what has the breakup of other music groups got to do with 4x4? Just last week, the leader and member of the trio, Captain Planet, real name, Jeff Sylvanus Dodji, got married to the famous former Chief Marketing Officer of Vodafone Ghana, Uche Ofodile.
I have a feeling that their matrimony could be an enemy to the continued survival of 4X4 as a group. And the reasons are not too farfetched. Prior to the private wedding, Mrs Dodji formerly Ufodile had resigned from Vodafone Ghana as the Chief Marketing Officer and according to credible reports, she would be moving to take up higher position with a different company in South Africa. Wonderful!
If this news about her relocation is anything to go by, then I do not see Uche living in South Africa while her husband stays behind and busy himself in some studios in Accra, hoping to get a hit with his group members. Chances are that, Captain Planet would definitely move to South Africa with his wife.
When that happens, no matter how you look at it, it is going to have a negative effect on the group.
Sadly 4X4 has not been doing too well in Ghanaian music circles as they used to do.
Now as the group is working hard to regain their glorious days, here comes this marriage.
Perhaps, they can cope or perhaps they cannot since he is not the first member of the group to tie the nuptial knot but something tells me that, getting married to a high ranking corporate figure comes with some level of responsibility that may break up the group.
God forbid! I’m not being negative here! But if care is not taken, the group might just end up like the Akyeames, the Prayes, the Mframas, the VIPs and the Wutahs.
Even if Mr and Mrs relocates to South Africa, I think the group must take caution before a break up comes into the picture. or tweet @anangfio