Abena wins GMB 2018
It was quite a tense but an emotional moment as the two held hands awaiting the judges announcement of the winner.
Ohema representing the Brong -Ahafo Region, gave the Eastern Region, show girl, Abena, a good run throughout the competition that started with 10 intelligent ladies, placed second while the Upper East beauty, Wekia, came third.
Meanwhile, Ashanti Region’s Afrah, who could not impress the judges with her performances , especially, during the latter part of the competition, placed fourth.
A night of glitz , fashion and glamour in a packed auditorium , amidst music and dance were all merged to welcome the new queen.
Abena, did not leave the auditorium with only the crown for the night but also drove out of the venue in a brand new Ssangyong Tivoli SUV vehicle sponsored by Silver Star Ghana Limited, a cash prize of GH¢10,000 and sponsors souvenir to support her project dubbed “Championing HIV/AIDS ”.
Ohema took home GH¢8,000 and sponsors souvenirs while Wekia also got GH¢6,000 including souvenirs.
Again, Ohema took the Golden shoe award for being the best model of the night.
Afrah also bagged a cool GH¢4,000 and sponsors souvenirs.
However, Abena and Ohema will enjoy an all expenses paid trip to Dubai, kind courtesy of Camel Antiseptic.
This is life
This year’s competition under the catch phrase “This is Life”, focused on making the contestants live the ideal Ghanaian life through our cultural heritage.
Final task
The task for the contestants at the grand finale last Sunday, was to make the world “Feel, Buy, Wear and see Ghana” through their presentations.
Starting the show with a dance performance with the popular group hiplife artistes Praye’s popular Angelina song, the contestants gave the audience their “shaku shaku” dance moves as they swayed beautifully to the tune.
After that, an articulate and affable Ohema set the ball rolling and delivered smoothly on the theme “Buy Ghana” for the night while urging to-be brides to patronise made in Ghana products for their wedding ceremony rather than importing almost every item they will need.
In her presentation, she discouraged her daughter from being influenced by her friends to import her material from India when getting married.
Citing the consequences of importing more products as against exports on the country’s economy, she said “Nkrumah was not wrong when he said the black man was capable of running his own affairs.
That it was the reason why he set up factories so that we as a people will be able to produce for ourselves. But what do we have today? Our own attitudes have hindered the progress of some of these companies”.
She urged Ghanaians to export more and counselled her daughter on how she could use local products to make a beautiful wedding ceremony without having to import anything.
Judge Linda Ampah said her presentation was a challenge thrown at industry players.
“It’s a challenge for us to innovate , we need to work hard since we are in this with international competitors, congratulations.”
Judge Bernie Asher who was“wowed” by Ohema’s performance said “good stage craft, good effort, confident and you delivered”.
From the Upper East, Wekia ,who performed on the theme “Feel Ghana” , introduced how football and some local meals brought Ghanaians together.
With the use of videos especially, some inset of Asamoah Gyan’s goal scoring moments, capturing the football “gyama” team, depicting the togetherness and passion for football , Sunday afternoon hangouts, among other things, that bind Ghanaians.
She said “if you want to feel Ghana, you experience the passion on the fields and you experience some of our favourite meals. Ghana is the only country with a special Sunday meal which is emo tuo.”
Championing the various football anthems in the country while running around on stage, she was able to move the crowd to join her in singing the Accra Hearts of Oak’s anthem.
She , however, urged all stakeholders of the tourism sector to put Ghana out there through exciting initiatives for others too to feel Ghana.
Jugde Bernie Asher who probably did not get the drift said “you have done your best to move the audience and l was moved.
Except that your message was overshadowed. I think it’s satisfactory.”
Siding with Judge Asher, Judge Ampah said “quite energetic, l think l agree with Bernie.
Other things overshadowed your message.
apart from that l think it is well.”
Afrah, representing the Ashanti Region, came in as a tour guide, taking some guests from Europe to some tourist sites in the country.
Afrah who was performing on the theme “See Ghana”, narrated the history of some historic sites especially Elmina castle in a very solemn mood as she intended to let her “tourists see through the eyes of the ancestors”.
Looking unimpressed about her performance, Judge Ampah said “if you are a tourist and your tour guide is getting too emotional amidst tears, how will you feel? It is okay, you have tried”.
Judge Asher also said “ you have given us history which is good but l don’t agree to the emotional bit.
All together , good effort”.
The Eastern Regional pride, brought the curtains down on the task of telling the Ghanaian story with a performance on “Wear Ghana”.
She spoke extensively about made in Ghana fabrics and how they could be sewn into beautiful styles even with a touch of modernity.
Utilising models and screen board pictures to showcase styles , she gave the audience a perfect way of wearing the fabrics throughout the week.
Describing her as a showgirl, Judge Ampah said “ the creative industry offer a lot to Ghana as it contributes to the nation’s GDP.
But you are a showgirl,thanks for this.”