9 Agribusiness ventures in Kosmos’ business booster programme complete second bootcamp
Nine Ghanaian agribusinesses selected to participate in the inaugural Kosmos Innovation Center business booster program have successfully completed six months of training designed to help them grow their businesses.
The training program culminated in the second and final five-day bootcamp which focused on preparing the nine businesses to meet with potential investors. Twelve investors whose intention is to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return participated in the investor day.
The agribusinesses who participated in the six-month program included:
- Meclink, produces high-quality vegetables for the domestic market
- MoringaConnect, a fruit processing company
- Moringa King, processes moringa leaves into nutritious beverages
- Meannan Foods, processes and packages hygienic Ghanaian foods for the local market
- Solution Oasis, manufactures premium natural skincare products
- Tilly Farms, produces pork and pork products
- Seidag, supplies beef products in Ghana
- Contrapack, extracts, refines and produces tertiary value-added products such foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products from natural, virgin tropical vegetables oils & fats
- GEES Fresh Point. a guinea fowl processing company
Prior to the second bootcamp, the agribusinesses participated in a variety of capacity building workshops covering topics as varied as business strategy, record keeping, effective presentation, corporate governance, investor mapping and engagement, and networking. The agribusinesses were also paired with carefully selected mentors and seasoned entrepreneurs who coached them for the duration of the program.
George Sarpong, Kosmos Energy’s director of corporate affairs, who leads the Kosmos Innovation Center said: “We know that Kosmos Energy’s future success is fully connected to Ghana’s success. As a result, we want to help Ghana create a healthy, diverse and thriving economy. The Kosmos Innovation Center is our way of investing in the country’s future beyond oil and gas. We would like to see these agribusinesses expand and create more jobs for society.”