Politics and Principle
Isaac Yeboah
0 minutes read
Let me begin this conversation with a 1925 sermon at Westminster Abbey by Frederick Donalson. He said,
- "The seven deadly sins are:
- Wealth without work.
- Pleasure without conscience.
- Knowledge without character.
- Commerce without morality.
- Science without humanity.
- Worship without sacrifice.
- Politics without principle."
Let us dwell on politics without principle.
John Quincy Adams, a President of United States and son of another President once said, "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone." Deep!
British Prime Minister Benjamin Disreali was thinking about principle when he said, "When men are pure, laws are useless, when men are corrupt, laws are broken".
To be fair, great men are not all aligned on the same side on principle. Stanley Baldwin, another British Prime Minister once stated that, "I would rather