LPG calls for change in political dynamics
The Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG) has called for change of the political dynamics of the country.
According to the LPG “Election 2020 must set the character for emergence of a dynamic third force to takeover the governance of this nation for rapid development.”
“The electorate must use the 2020 general elections to liberate Ghana from the political dominion of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC) who have ruled this country since 1993,” Mr Kofi Akpaloo, LPG leader and founder told the Ghana News Agency in an interview.
NPP/NDC politics
“After many years of democratic stability, Ghana should have been developed beyond our current state all due to the NPP and NDC factor that only rule for political expediency; After winning power, both the NPP and the NDC use two years to reverse all that their predecessors have achieved, and then use the next two years to set their own structures and campaign for the next elections,” Mr Akpaloo pointed out.
He blamed the NPP and the NDC for the challenges the nation was experiencing — depreciation of the local currency, schools under trees, disorganised educational system, carnage on our roads and break down in discipline.
Electoral parameter
He said LPG was setting up the electoral parameter to ignite total overhauling of the country’s electoral structures to ensure that, ‘we liberate Ghana from the two-party dominance’.
“I have vigilantly diagnosed the development haemorrhage of the country under the leadership of the two parties — the NPP and the NDC which had seen the nation’s development either retrogressing or at a standstill, our economic fortunes are dwindling, coupled with high cost of living and I’m convinced that Ghana urgently needs electoral overhauling,” Mr Akpaloo said.
Economic structures
Mr Akpaloo, who is also the representative of the minority parties without representation in Parliament on the ROPAA Consultative Committee, said collectively, Ghanaians needed to join forces for re-examination to dismantle and make extensive renovations or revisions in order to repair the Ghanaian economic structures.
The LPG leader said the winner takes all political system had not helped the country, saying “LPG will adopt a progressive all-inclusive governance system, we must use all human resources irrespective of one’s political affiliation, governance is about the people not about the party”.
He said LPG leadership believed in; “all hands-on deck approach which will be adopted to utilise the knowledge, resources and manpower of Ghanaian….in view of this, a special political parties dialogue platform will be created to reduce electoral animosity”.
First step
The LPG leader explained that as a first step towards electoral transformation, the “LPG will hold its National Delegates Congress on May 25 in Ho in the Volta Region to coincide with the African Union Day, to begin the electoral renaissance of Ghana”.
Mr Akpaloo said the LPG Congress, which would be attended by over 1,00 delegates would, among other things, elect the party’s Election 2020 flag bearer.
Mr Akpaloo also urged LPG supporters to join forces in building a party and a democratic system of administration under which all members “will be able to contribute to the welfare, peace and prosperity of our great party.
“I will harness the full human and financial resources of the party and ensure development at all levels without discrimination".
He said LPG was mobilising to strengthen the party’s structures and empower all party functionaries and organs to be ready for Election 2020 and beyond. — GNA