Factor needs of PWDs into manifestos - Voice Ghana urges parties
People with Disabilities (PWDs) have called on political parties to factor into their various manifestos strategic interventions that would enable PWDs to achieve their full potential in life.
“We urge our politicians not to forget us when they are drawing their development plans,” the Executive Director of Voice Ghana, a disability non-governmental organisation based in Ho, Mr Francis Asong, said.
In an interview with the Daily Graphic, he indicated that they would soon lead a campaign on the development of a national disability manifesto to inform the manifestos and development plans of political parties as well as policies and programmes of relevant state and non-state agencies.
Political debates to support PWDs interest
“We are expecting political debates on practical ways disability policy and legislative framework, including the UN convention of the rights of persons with disabilities, which was ratified by Ghana, the Mental Health Act, 2012 and the recent inclusive education policy will be implemented in the best interest of persons with disability,” he said.
According to him, politicians must remember that the ethical tone of a society was not set by how it treated its strongest, most powerful members but by how it treated those who were weakest, most vulnerable and those in need, adding that “this is what we want to see in the manifestos of the political parties.”
Call for peaceful elections
Calling for a peaceful election, Mr Asong stated that whatever happened in the country affected every one, especially persons with disabilities.
“We need to remind ourselves that the general population is made of all categories of people, including women, children, persons with disabilities and the aged.”
As a result of that, politicians should do their best to maintain the peace the nation was enjoying by conducting their campaigns in credible and peaceful manner, adding that “we need to stay as brothers and sisters. Living together is the only solution for the development of our economy.”
The Electoral Commission (EC), he said, should also upgrade the skills of its officials on emerging international standards on the electoral rights of persons with disability and explore possible ways to effectively enfranchise voters with different types of disability during the election.
To avert any form of chaos in the country, Mr Asong urged the EC to do its work with due diligence and also be ‘the best referee who would call ‘a spade a spade’ during the election.