Fifi Kwetey, NDC General Secretary, speaking at the rally
Fifi Kwetey, NDC General Secretary, speaking at the rally

Don’t sell your conscience to politicians - Fifi Kwetey to Ghanaians

The General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, has admonished Ghanaians not to sell their conscience during elections for peanuts from politicians who take them for a ride. 


He said such politicians later abandoned them and returned only during elections for their votes.

 “We must not sell our soul and let the nation go down.

 I believe this message is timely and relevant for all of us particularly, the Electoral Commission, the Judiciary, the governing New Patiotic Party (NPP), the media, the security services, every electorate in Ghana and more importantly, we in the NDC,” he added.  

Kwetey was speaking at a rally to climax the ‘Thank You’ tour of the NDC at Assin North.

The rally which was held at the Methodist School Park at Assin Bereku was to express the party's gratitude to the people for re-electing James Gyakye Quayson as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin North.

Mr Kwetey bemoaned the level of depravity in the country as a result of the mismanagement of the economy by the ruling government.

He said with the results of the by-election, a strong message had been sent to the NPP that the people of Assin North would not sell their votes at the expense of the development of the country.

He said all must understand that those times when the electorate could be taken for granted and be "bought" were over and added that all institutions must learn a lesson from the election results.

“The just ended by-election has taught everyone that dedication and love for country must at all times be paramount over and above our personal and parochial interests,” the NDC General Secretary said.

“You cannot plunge the people into deepened hardship and create so much pain for our citizens only to show up during elections with money, shady developmental projects and expect that the electorate will fall for such and give you the mandate,” he stated.


Mr Kwetey thanked God and the people of Assin North for giving the NDC and their candidate the opportunity to represent them in Parliament.

He reiterated the party’s commitment to serve the best interest of the people of Assin North and the country as a whole, rebuilding Ghana to a sound and viable economic status that would breed prosperity.

Also in attendance at the rally was the flag bearer of the NDC, John Mahama, party chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Minority Leader, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, executives of the party and Members of Parliament. 

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