Breman Traditional Council institutes five-year strategic plan to complement govt’s efforts
The Breman Traditional Council has instituted a five-year strategic development plan to propel the growth and development of the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District in the Central Region.
The traditional rulers and chiefs have adopted the plan to complement the efforts of the government towards improving the socio-economic well-being of the people within the traditional area.
The council, in 2009, organised the Breman Development Conference which led to the adoption of a five-year development plan for the area. The document guided economic activities for some years, and while some of the goals have been accomplished, more is yet to be achieved.
The new 15-page strategic plan is a revision of the old plan which is in line with changes and aims to accomplish the unfinished aspect of the old plan, as well as generate new goals.
The plan formed part of the vision of the Omanhene, Odeefuo Amoakwa Buadu VIII, to mobilise citizens of the area, both home and abroad, to be responsible towards the forward march of their hometown.
Odeefuo Buadu VIII told the Daily Graphic in an interview at Breman Asikuma that by aligning the goals of the plan with that of the central government, the traditional council believed that all the people in the area would fully benefit from the plan.
The vision of the plan is to holistically enrich the lives of Breman citizens in a sustainable and vibrant environment, while the mission is to improve the living conditions of the people through the promotion of economic development, enhancement of educational attainment and the promotion of adequate health care.
Again, the plan will be effectively implemented by a reconstituted Breman Development Committee (BDC), which is chaired by the Kyidomhene of the Breman Traditional Area, Nana Barima Fi III. The committee is made up of six sub-committees that have been tasked to work on a goal each towards achieving all the six goals set.
The six goals that have been set in line with the new plan involve youth development, agriculture, education, health, tourism and resource development.
Odeefuo Buadu VIII noted that the plan was an outcome of major stakeholder discussions to relaunch a plan that would accomplish measurable results.
According to him, dedicated to its mission to improve the livelihoods of the citizens, the plan has identified specific achievable goals, noting that: “Attention has been paid to how resources can be harnessed to make this effort successful.”
‘The success or otherwise of the plan will largely depend on the commitment and sacrifice of all citizens in the Breman Traditional Area,” he indicated.
He explained that contributing to one’s town is no longer an option but rather a responsibility and stated that “For the traditional area to be able to achieve its desired progress, the citizens must make meaningful contributions towards reducing unemployment and poverty.”
He added that the task ahead was herculean hence, the BDC required the support of all and sundry towards realising the objectives of the plan for the benefit of the people.
The Omanhene called for the revival of the spirit of volunteerism and sacrifice to fight poverty among the people, stressing that poverty could be reduced in the area if the people committed their efforts towards its reduction.
He, therefore, urged the chiefs and people to promote peace and unity since they were important prerequisites towards attracting a lot of investments into the area to create jobs for the teeming unemployed youth in the district.