Amend CI 75 to allow media and observers take part in early voting - CODEO
The Coalition of Domestic Election
Observers (CODEO) has suggested to the Electoral Commission, to consider an
amendment of Constitutional Instrument (CI) 75, to allow media practitioners and
credible domestic observer groups participate in early voting.
CODEO also wants the EC to improve on the early voting privileges to enable all security personnel on duty on
election day to vote.
The request was contained in a communiqué issued by
CODEO, after a three-day Post-Election Review Workshop on ‘Ghana’s December
2012 Elections in Perspective’ in Sogakope in the Volta Region, held between
Sunday March, 24 and Tuesday, March, 26, 2013.
Read the full communiqué below:
WE, the participants, having attended a Post-Election
Review Workshop organized by the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers
(CODEO) on ‘Ghana’s December 2012 Elections in Perspective’ from Sunday, the
24th to Tuesday, the 26th of March 2013, in Sogakope in the Volta Region of Ghana,
and after discussing the following topics:
• The 2012 Election: Preparations and Conduct
• Ghana’s Electoral Legal Frameworks: Strengths and
Weaknesses-An Independent Analysis
• Citizens’ Participation in Elections: Lessons and
• The Cost and Financing of Elections
• The Media, Social Media and the 2012 Elections
• Civic and Voter Education: Lessons from Election 2012
• That there should be greater stakeholder
participation, involvement and collaboration in the processes leading to the
conduct of future elections;
• That the Electoral Commission (EC) should, in the
immediate future, be forthcoming with timely information and clarity on the
nature of reforms it may intend to introduce into the electoral process as well
as conduct an extensive publicity of its comprehensive election calendar so
that other stakeholders could effectively prepare their support programs
• That during future exhibition of the provisional voter
register, the EC must (in addition to SMS platform, online platforms) consider
other means of encouraging mass patronage, including pasting the list on
notices at exhibition centers to make the process user friendly;
• That the nation must seriously discuss the creation of
new constituencies in the future considering the cost and logistical
implications, time, anxiety and political fall-outs that come with it, and if
possible we should consider a cap on the number of constituencies that Ghana
must have;
• That the EC considers using the expertise of credible
local NGOs and CSOs for closer supervision in the recruitment, training (not
only on technical and operational but also psychological) and monitoring of
temporary EC field staff; that serious consideration be given to the
recruitment of National Service Personnel as the preferred temporary field
operators, and that stricter application of the appropriatesanctions when
necessary be vigorously enforced.;
• That a credible and scientific study be conducted into
the unacceptably high levels of rejected ballot papers, with a view to
understanding the nature, incidence, and causes so as to design appropriate
measures to reduce the incidence.
• That the increasing high cost of election
administration, campaign financing by political parties, and incumbency abuse
by government parties be seriously discussed by stakeholders with a view to
reaching a national consensus on meaningful reductions in election expenditures
across board, to promote transparency, , accountability, sustainability, and
leveling of the electoral playing field;
• That the EC must continually monitor the conduct of
the political parties and firmly and fairly apply the sanctions specified in
the Political Parties Act (574) of 2000 for non-compliance with the law. That
deeper participation of all Ghanaians, especially the marginalized groups, like
Persons With Disabilities through enhanced access to polling stations, be
• That credible Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) be
invited, as a rule, to all meetings of the Inter Party Advisory Committee
(IPAC) to act as independent and reliable observers to discussions and
decisions with a view to broadening ownership of the electoral process;
• That greater synergy between the National Media
Commission(NMC) and the National Communication Authority (NCA) is necessary to
ensure higher media standards with the former having the power to enforce its
• That Social Media, as a growing phenomenon, needs
regulation and to be more integrated in the electoral process for information
gathering and voter education;
• That the institutional collaboration between the EC
and the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) be deepened and
sustained, and collaborative efforts among CSOs, NCCE, EC and other relevant
state and non-state actors be strengthened;
• That Political Parties, the EC, domestic observer
groups, and the Security Services collaborate more on election security matters
for the speedy prosecution of electoral offenders; and
• That the EC must improve and facilitate access to
early voting privileges to enable all security personnel on duty on election
day to vote, and also consider an amendment to CI 75 to allow credible domestic
observer groups and the media to access this privilege.