Zoomlion Director summoned for failure to collect refuse
Ms Mavis Quartey, Agona East District Director of Zoomlion Waste Management Company has been summoned before the District Assembly, to explain the inability on the part of the company to empty piled-up refuse containers in the area.
The Members took the decision at the Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly at Agona Nsaba in the Central Region.
According to the members the assembly has entered contractual agreement with Zoomlion Waste Management Company to collect refuse.
Mr Abeiku Ansah, Assemblyman for Agona Asafo, who tabled the motion and adopted by the members alleged that Ms Quartey has for many occasions refused to honour invitations extended to come and explain matters concerning sanitation.
Mr Ansah said Agona Asafo with a population of 15,000 has one refuse container provided by Zoomlion.
According to the Assemblyman the Zoomlion has willfully failed to empty the refuse container placed at the local market, which could lead to cholera outbreak.
Other Members of the House also raised similar lukewarm attitude on the part of Zoomlion Waste Company work.
Mr Francis Duodu Addo, the District Chief Executive assured members that the authorities of the Assembly would ensure that more containers are sent to all the towns.
Mr Richard Ziggah, former Presiding Member and Assemblyman for Minta/Ofoase wanted to know when Electricity Meter would be fixed at CHPs Compound at Minta.
He said nurses and other paramedical staff find it difficult to work at night at the facility.
Mr Ziggah who is also a senior lecturer at the University of Education, disclosed that quality health care of the electorate is paramount and urged Assembly to make frantic efforts to fix the meter.
Mr George Yankah, Presiding Member of the Assembly asked the members to educate their people on issues bothering on sanitation, education, health and others to help transform the district.