Walewale: Nurse killed by unknown assailants

Walewale: Nurse killed by unknown assailants

Walewale in the North East Region has been thrown into a state of mourning following the death of a nurse at Walewale Government Hospital.


Identified as Salifu Abdulai alias Expensive, it is suspected he was killed by some unknown assailants at Walewale in the West Mamprusi Municipality.

The deceased is said to have been beaten to pulp and dumped near the Walewale cemetery on Sunday evening.

His body was spotted by a passerby who rushed him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Graphic Online gathered that the deceased had a heated confrontation with the assailants who reportedly attacked him, resulting in his death.

The Municipal Chief Executive for West Mamprusi, Issahaku Aremeyaw Somo who confirmed the incident to Graphic Online said the police are investigating the incident.

“We understand he had a misunderstanding with the suspects and they attacked and beat him mercilessly leading to his death. We are saddened by the incident and the police have since intensified investigations to apprehend the suspects,” he said.

An eyewitness said the deceased was found lying motionless around 7 pm Sunday.

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