‘Use services of only certified electrical wiring professionals’
The Public Relations Officer of the Certified Electrical Wiring Professionals Association of Ghana (CEWPAG), Mr Yaw Amponsah Ababio, has cautioned facility owners seeking service connection to use only certified electrical wiring professionals.
“It pays to use a certified electrician to wire your facility. You are sure to be safe from electric shocks and fires if your house has been wired by a certified professional,” he said.
Press conference
At a press conference in Accra, Mr Ababio said the association would support the Energy Commission to implement the Electrical Wiring Regulation, 2011 (L.I 2008) to reduce fires in the country.
“The association is partnering the Energy Commission and law enforcement agencies to name and shame all electricians who do not have the licence to operate in the country. We can be found in all districts which are relatively small and easy to monitor,” he said.
Mr Ababio said the sanctions for wiring done by a non-certified electrician shall be a summary conviction of a term of two years and a fine of more than 250 penalty units, including a disconnection of service.
He warned dealers of electrical cables and accessories to stop selling inferior electrical products in the market.
He noted that electricians had been blamed for not carrying out jobs professionally and it was because of the inferior quality of some products in the market.
“We wish to state clearly that we will, in partnership with the commission and the Ghana Standards, Authority, ensure that only materials that meet the Ghanaian standards are procured and used for wiring.
We shall reject all inferior products on your shelves. We will not buy them,” he said.
The CEWPAG is an association of certified electricians who have been licensed and certified by the Energy Commission to carry out all internal electrical wiring works in accordance with the Electrical Wiring Regulation 200, L.I.2008.
It is their objective to mobilise all certified electricians within the country under one umbrella to foster unity, promote and maintain high level of professional standards among members.