Unsafe abortions cause preventable deaths
As a personal principle to update myself about what is happening around the world, I visit different news portals every morning. So, it was in fulfilment of this daily ritual that on September 21, this year, I came across an article published on the Daily Post’s news portal headlined: “Nigerian women committed 2.7m abortions in 2017 – Study.”
In the article, it was reported that majority of the abortions were done by young girls in secondary schools and women in their early
On October 4, this year too, as I was going through the ritual
The alarming point to note here is that the figures reported on abortion cases in the media only represent those ones that were reported at health facilities. This is because many of the cases were not reported.
As many babies are being killed through this practice, many mothers also continue to lose their lives, particularly those performed without any professional health assistance.
Ghana’s figure may not be as high as that of Nigeria due to the differences in our populations, but the fact is that babies are being killed through abortions on
Unwanted pregnancies
The Executive Director of the National Population Council,
She said although many families would like to have smaller family sizes, such families usually ended up having bigger-sized families, due to lack of family planning methods.
The October 4 issue of the Daily Graphic headlined: “Stigmatisation causes women to seek unsafe abortion services” quoted the Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG),
Comprehensive sexuality education
She also urged parents, teachers, religious leaders
Many women and girls of childbearing age are committing abortions due to lack of information on comprehensive sexuality education.
The issue of comprehensive sexuality education remains low in many African societies, particularly with respect to contraceptive usage and other pregnancy protective methods.
This is because many religious and traditional beliefs frown on it.
According to findings in the “The State of African Women Report in June 2018”, sexual and reproductive health and rights are critical elements of health and bodily integrity, especially for women and girls, and that access to sexual and reproductive health services, as well as comprehensive information and education, is indispensable to support women and girls in making these choices.