Unemployed allied health workers to picket Flagstaff House
The coalition of un-posted allied health professionals who have picketed the Ministry of Health since Monday have threatened to move to the Flagstaff House by Friday if their demands were not met.
The group numbering about 200 kept vigil at the premises of the Health Ministry on Monday night as part of moves to impress on government to secure financial clearance for their employment and posting.
According to them they have not been employed since they left school about two years ago and thereby making life unbearable for them.
In a radio interview Radio Ghana, a leader of the group, Solomon Yeboah said the Deputy Minister of Health, Mrs. Tina Mensah has promised that they will hear something positive very soon.
According to him, they were initially given up to May 15 to receive a good report from the ministry but up till date nothing has been heard from the ministry.
“We have petitioned the Flagstaff House, the Senior minister and the Gender Minster, our next move is to picket in front of the Flagstaff House,” he said.
The group picketed the Ministry of Health on Monday after the ministry failed to honour its earlier promise to clear them for posting.