The certainties and uncertainties in life…
There are so many uncertainties in life but one thing everyone is certain about is death. For certain everyone knows that one day they will breathe their last breath of life.
That's why people do insurance and write wills so that after they are gone, life is made simpler for those they love and leave behind.
No one knows when that day will come or whether it will be via accident, food poisoning or any of those medical conditions they often get.
Well, at least some have the courage to face it by praying that even if should happen, it should be through their sleep, painless and quiet.
Women for sure have this certainty, the certainty that cervical cancer is one way by which death can just take them away. It's currently the cancer that threatens the lives of most Ghanaian women and the entire world.
Why would you stand in front of a 16-wheeler truck with a faulty brake, knowing the consequence of that action?
Let me tell you that every day, as you walk past that hospital and refuse to go in to get screened, you put yourself at risk, and there is a chance you can get the HPvirus 16 and 18.
And that virus for sure is going to tear that cervix apart, it's just a matter of time. That's certain, woman!
You can forgive yourself for sleeping with that person, you obviously didn't know how unfaithful he/she was.
Oh yes, you can shake off that guilt and just move on with your life, as if that night never happened, but you will have to live with the consequences of the fact that you might have been exposed to the virus causing cervical cancer.
Although you can tell yourself that you wore a condom, you can't guarantee a 100 per cent protection from that latex /rubber because the lips of the vagina {labia major} and the scrotum of the penis were not covered by the rubber and any other fluid containing the virus.
Finding its way to those parts can be a threat. You may never know you are safe unless you get tested. So walk past that hospital again woman, but this time around go in and talk to a doctor or midwife about Pap smear, or any other tests they do for cervical cancer.
Take one certain decision today and get tested. It's your sure way of getting help if you've been infected.
Cervical cancer is real…Let's talk about it.
The writer is the founder of CervCa Is Real NGO