TEN project to continue; First oil expected in 2016 - Tullow
Oil and gas exploration company, Tullow Oil, says development work on the Tweneboah-Enyera-Ntoumme (TEN) Project will continue following the ruling of the Special Chamber of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg, Saturday.
According to Tullow Oil, the project is on schedule and first oil is expected in mid-2016.
The company, in a statement released Monday, said, the project is now over 55 per cent complete with all 10 of the wells expected to be online at first oil drilled.
The Special Chamber of the ITLOS on Saturday gave Ghana the nod to continue oil production activities at a disputed maritime boundary area between it and Cote d’Ivoire.
The tribunal, however, ordered Ghana not to start any new offshore drilling for oil in the disputed waters until the substantive matter is resolved.
The Special Chamber further prescribed certain measures to be followed by Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire pending the final decision in 2017.
In this regard, Tullow Oil in the statement said it would await a decision by the Government of Ghana on how it would implement the provisional measures since it is not a party to the arbitration.