OccupyGhana demands info on compliance with statutory procurement audits
2 minutes read
Pressure group OccupyGhana has asked the Auditor-General to provide information on its statutory audits of procurement activities of entities that conduct public procurement.
The demand, according to the group, stems from concerns over whether the procurement laws of Ghana are being followed and the fact that the statutory audits constitute one of the means provided by law to ensure compliance.
The OccupyGhana letter dated July 18, 2018, and signed by Kwaku Segbefia on behalf of the group, asked if the Auditor General’s office has been conducting the mandatory audits since the coming into force of Act 663 in 2003.
The letter quotes Section 91 of the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as specifying that;
“Statutory audits
(1) The Auditor-General shall conduct annual audits of the procurement activities of entities and shall furnish copies of reports on the audits to the Board on request from the Board.
(2) The Auditor-General shall also carry out specific audits into the procurement activities of entities and compliance by contractors, suppliers and consultants with the procurement requirements in this Act and Regulations made under this Act at the request of the Board.
(3) The statutory audit of procurement activities may be relied on by the Board to institute measures to improve the procurement system.”
(2) The Auditor-General shall also carry out specific audits into the procurement activities of entities and compliance by contractors, suppliers and consultants with the procurement requirements in this Act and Regulations made under this Act at the request of the Board.
(3) The statutory audit of procurement activities may be relied on by the Board to institute measures to improve the procurement system.”
According to OccupyGhana, it would be glad if the Auditor-General could provide it with copies of the audit reports, or “explain to Ghanaians why this duty has not been performed, stating, with clear timelines, when the first of this audit covering the period 2003 to 2017 would be conducted.”