Sanitation and Water Resources Minister blames flood victims for refusing to relocate
The Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Freda Prempeh, has said the government cannot be blamed entirely for the misfortunes of the flood victims following the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams.
That, she said, was because despite the best efforts of key agencies to evacuate, people ahead of the spillage, they refused to pay heed to authorities.
Ms Prempeh explained that the Volta River Authority (VRA), the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) and the Water Resources Commission, since the beginning of 2023, had been educating people in the communities likely to be flooded in such a situation.
“They did simulation exercises with them even at Mepe, yet they refused to leave. They didn't want to be evacuated. They stayed there till the end when we started spilling,” the Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources stressed.
“Now people are blaming government, VRA and NADMO but these three institutions really did a lot of education right from January. Even in September they were still talking to the people to move because there was a likelihood they were going to spill in the next week or two,” she added.
This led to tracts of land and communities downstream to be severely flooded.
It was the second-stage spillage of the two dams used to generate about a third of the country’s electricity supply.