'Lets raise new breed of leaders'
The President of the Foundation for Generational Thinkers (FOGET), Mr Prosper Afetsi, has called on Ghanaians to help raise a new breed of leaders who have the fear of God in them, with principles or standards of behaviour that are needed for the growth and transformation of the country.
He stated that they could do so by also raising children with good morals and responsibility in line with the word of God.
“Let’s raise a generation or new breed of leaders who have good values and responsibility,” Mr Afetsi said at the graduation ceremony of the Josephus Memorial School in Accra.
The event was on the theme: “Training up a child using values from the word of God”.
Mr Afetsi said while some people had questioned the infusion of the word of God in the educational system, it was his conviction that education without the Word of God was like putting a weapon in the hand of the wrong person.
“We have some people advocating that the word of God should not be entertained in our educational sphere but the values and morals that the Bible teaches are good for all mankind;’whether you are a Christian or not,” he said.
Mr Afetsi noted that there was no religion that accepted or entertained stealing, laziness, unfaithfulness, lack of respect for authority and parents, covetousness, etc.
“The word of God teaches and helps our children to understand good morals and values such as love, respect, honesty, hardworking, faithfulness, generosity, etc. These things are good for all of us, irrespective of our religious background. Our generation seems to exalt rights over responsibilities but right cannot go without responsibilities,” he stated.
He said with the calibre of scholars and intellectuals that the nation had, it should have been way ahead in terms of development and improvement of lives of the people.
He added that all hope was not lost and that there was opportunity to make amends through the new generation that was coming up.
“Sometimes you hear some decisions and expenditure made by our leaders and you wonder. All this is because the fear of the Lord is not with them but the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” he said.
Let’s raise a generation or new breed of leaders who have good values and responsibility