Landlords must allow tenants to use water for free - Ghana Water
The Ghana Water Company Limited (GCWL) has asked landlords and landladies to desist from selling water for the next three months (July, August and September, 2020).
The GWCL in a statement issued today said the the Government of Ghana will be absorbing the domestic water bills of citizens for three months as part of reliefs announced in the Mid-Year Budget on July 23, 2020.
As a result, landlords and landladies who sell water must allow tenants to use the utility for free within the period.
"The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources and the Ghana Water Company Limited wishes to inform the General Public, that the Presidents directive on the free water services for domestic consumption, will continue for the next three months as stipulated in the Mid-Year Budget announced to the public on 23rd of July, 2020, thus, the Government of Ghana will be absorbing domestic water bills of citizens again, from July, through August and end in September, 2020," the statement said.
"This directive is to support Ghanaians and to help curb the COVID-19 pandemic. Management wishes to inform the general public that the implementation of the President’s directive is in progress since the period of implementation takes effect with July consumption."
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• All Domestic customers of the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) on category 611 shall have their bills from July, August and September 2020, absorbed and paid by Government.
• All metered stand-pipes on category 643 shall be used to serve citizens for free. Vendors are expected to still control the services to the public as usual. This is to ensure the prudent use of water.
• Landlords and landladies who sell water to tenants must allow tenants to use the water for free from July, August and September.
Read the entire statement below;