UPDATED: Free electricity, water initiative to be extended
Utility consumers are to enjoy free water and electricity supplies for the next three months and six months respectively.
It follows plans by the government to extend the free electricity and water relief packages that ended in May.
The new measure is to be announced in the mid-year budget review that the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, is presenting to Parliament today.
Graphic Online is reliably informed that while the free water initiative would be for all water consumers, that of the electricity would be limited to lifeline consumers.
Watch the Finance Minister's address below;
When announced and implemented, it will extend the number of months that water and electricity supplies have been subsidised to help consumers cope with the economic challenges arising from the novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
In the first instance, the government absorbed the water and electricity costs for all consumers in the case of water and lifeline consumers in the case of electricity.
This story has been updated.