Health ministry halts sale of application forms
The Ministry of Health (MoH) has suspended the sale of application forms for all Health Training Institutions in the country until further notice.
A letter dated January 18, 2017 and signed by the Chief Director of the MoH, Dr Afisah Zakariah, on behalf of the Minister of Health, stated that the attention of the ministry had been drawn to the continuous sale of application forms for admission into various health training institutions for 2017/2018 academic year.
The letter, copied to the leader of the Transition Team on Health; the Director, Human Resource; the Financial Controller; Director; Internal Audit, all of the MoH and the Executive Secretary of the Health Training Institutions Secretariat (HTIS), stated that in spite of an earlier directive from the ministry suspending the sale of the forms, the exercise was still ongoing.
The MOH, therefore, redirected all principals and heads of all outlets to suspend the sale of the forms until a letter from the ministry authorised them to do so.
It warned that principals who went contrary to the directive would be held personally responsible.
Ministry’s report
When contacted, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Ministry of Health, Mr Tony Goodman, told the Daily Graphic that the ministry had not advertised the sale of the application forms for the year, as some information in social media indicated.
He explained that it was on the basis of that the ministry issued the directive to the principals of the schools to suspend the sales of the forms.
When asked whether the ministry had picked information about the sales of the forms by any of the health training institutions, he answered in the affirmative, stressing that it was the reason for the suspension of the sales.
However, the Daily Graphic has gathered information that the suspension of the sales was to enable the new government and sector minister to assume office and review the process for the sale and admissions into the various health training schools.
Checks by this reporter from the various sales points in the Tamale metropolis indicated that the sale of the forms had been suspended, a situation which has created uneasy calm among some prospective students and their guardians.
The situation also has the potential of landing prospective applicants seeking admissions into the government assisted health training institutions into some unscrupulous scams.