Stop multiple sale of land—Otoobour Djan Kwasi II
The Adontenhene of the Akuapem Traditional Area and Aburihene, Otoobour Djan Kwasi II, has tasked chiefs, especially those under his division, to stop the indiscriminate and multiple sale of land to ensure the availability of land for development.
Speaking at the installation of a new Guantoahene (intercessory chief) in Aburi, he said the multiple sale of land was also fuelling the land guard menace, a situation which could jeopardise the security of the area.
According to him, the sale of land in most of the towns under his division had shot up due to the area’s proximity to Accra.
“Some chiefs and family heads have sold the same land to five different people.
I am very particular about this matter and have issued a directive to all the sub-chiefs and family heads, especially the greedy ones who have made the selling of land the mainstay of their rule, to desist from that act,” he said.
Protect land
Otoobour Djan Kwasi said it was wrong for chiefs to sell land for their own selfish gains, arguing that it was the duty of chiefs and family heads to give out land to be used for development and also preserve land for the future generation.
“This government has started the One District, One factory initiative and investors are taking advantage of it by setting up factories across the country.
How can a community benefit from these factories which are meant to provide employment if there is no land for the setting up of those factories?” he asked.
Installation of Guantoahene
The Guantoahene is a sub-chief who intercedes on behalf of any lawbreaker and begs for leniency for that person from the chief.
The newly installed Guantoahene is Nana Odiobi Aduamoah V, known in private life as Mr Kwodwo Boateng, a private businessman.
His installation was done eight years after the last Guantoahene passed away.
During the ceremony, Nana Aduamoah swore the oath of allegiance and the great oath (Ntam Kese) to Otoobour Djan Kwasi to make himself available to support the Aburihene and also make himself available anytime he was needed.
Nana Aduamoah also sat on Otoobour Djan Kwasi’s laps to signify the acceptance of his reign by the Overlord of the Adonten Division of the Akuapem Traditional Area.
Other aspects of the ceremony included the pouring of libation and the slaughtering of a sheep.
Praise and pledge
Otoobour Djan Kwasi praised the Odiobi Aduamoah Family for finally deciding on a new Guantoahene eight years after the death of the last one.
He called on the family and the people to give the new chief maximum support to make his reign a success.
For his part, Nana Aduamoah pledged his commitment to the development and growth of the area.