Final-year students in Manya Krobo undergo orientation
Lower Manya Krobo District has held this year’s Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) summit for final-year students in the area at Odumase Krobo in the Eastern Region. The summit was aimed at preparing the final-year candidates towards their forthcoming examination this year.
In all, 2,020 candidates from 16 public and 12 private basic junior high schools in the district took part in the two-day programme.
The candidates were taken through examination processes, including titbits of how to answer questions in the various subjects, shading of answers, filling of candidate’s particulars and the dos and don’ts in an examination.
The Lower Manya Krobo Municipal Director of Education, Madam Rose Yaa Akanyi, advised final-year students to be diligent in their studies and also respect school rules and regulations as they prepared for their exams.
She said until they completed their respective exams, they were still students and therefore must always obey school rules and regulations.
The director warned that students who misconducted themselves during examinations on campus would be sanctioned accordingly.
Madam Akanyi also noted with concern that most final-year students, after registering for their exams, absented themselves from school and said such attitude was not only a display of gross indiscipline, but could also affect their final examination results.
“My dear little ones, if you don’t come to school to learn as your teachers are conducting series of mocks to prepare you adequately, how will you pass your examinations well to enable you continue to the higher levels?”
“For now, you may not know the harm you are causing to yourselves, but in future you will regret your actions,” Madam Akanyi emphasised.
Madam Akanyi also appealed to parents and guardians to take a keen interest in the education of their children and wards by ensuring they do not only complete their education, but take their studies seriously to come out successfully in their examinations.