FDA Laboratory attains international recognition
The Laboratory Service Department of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) of Ghana has attained the internationally recognised ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation for several quality control tests.
The ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation positions the FDA among Africa’s elite laboratories in the area of pharmaceutical quality control
The accreditation demonstrates the technical competence of the laboratory and its implementation of laboratory quality management systems.
A statement issued by the FDA in Accra said the attainment would also contribute to the Laboratory Service Department’s mandate to provide trustworthy data for the Ministry of Health and ensure the availability of quality-assured foods and medicines locally.
ACLASS, an internationally recognised accrediting body based in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, awarded the accreditation to the FDA for eight key analytical tests.
Technical and financial assistance from Promoting the Quality of Medicines (PQM) programme, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the US Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention was instrumental in helping the Laboratory Service Department to achieve the important accreditation.
The PQM works with regulatory authorities in developing countries around the world to safeguard the quality of medicines, with a particular focus on priority medicines for treating malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
“With this achievement, we have demonstrated our ability to produce reliable results that will give authorities — both within Ghana and internationally — confidence in decisions impacting the health of patients,” Mr Hudu Mogtari, the Chief Executive Officer of the FDA, said.
Dr Patrick Lukulay, the Director of the PQM programme, said: “Much of laboratory work essential to the quality testing of medicines entails complex methods and procedures that must be followed meticulously to ensure accurate results. The importance of this accuracy cannot be understated.
“With this accreditation, the FDA demonstrates that its technical operations and administrative systems are functioning at the highest quality levels by international standards, producing accurate, valid results that can be trusted by the international community.”
Commenting on the achievement, Dr Sureyya Hornston, the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Technical Advisor of USAID/Ghana, said: “Obtaining this world-class accreditation is a laborious process that demonstrates a strong commitment to excellence at every level of the laboratory.
“Thanks to the FDA’s dedication to continuous improvement, the laboratory will be in a position to help improve access to good quality medicines in Ghana, especially antimalarials in the entire region. The USAID Mission in Ghana is proud to have supported this achievement.”