FDA impounds 4000 boxes of unwholesone sardines in Kumasi
Arku Jasmine
1 minute read

The warehouse belonging to a Kumasi based business man has also been placed under lock and key to prevent possible distribution of the sardines.
Ashanti Regional Head of the FDA Vigil Eshun told Luv News the sardines with the label Beauport and Royal Crown Pilchard Mackerel, have been found to be unwholesome due to poor storage conditions.
Importer of the sardines has over the past weeks burnt hundreds of the products without the supervision of the FDA as required.
Some quantities suspected to be unwholesome have also been distributed to the market, with over four thousand waiting to enter e the market from the warehouse.
Mr Eshun said though the expiry date of the products is valid, the metal cans are rusted and bloated.
The FDA is cautioning the public to look out for signs of spoilage since the sardines have a valid expiry date.
Source: Myjoyonline.com/Ghana